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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

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    Wed 30 Sep 2020

    As you know we are proud to have established a reputation for being one of the most Inclusive schools in the country and it is because of the passion that we have for the wellbeing of every single child at our school that I feel the need to write this letter to you. Today we have taken the time to talk to the children about their future at Athelney Primary School so that they are ready for the next step in their educational careers and their future lives. Please read this letter carefully and discuss the changes with your child over the weekend.

    BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING                    
    At Athelney Primary School we believe everyone has the right to feel safe, secure, happy and healthy within a positive learning environment. Everyone should be respected as an individual and feel able to contribute to life in the school community.  The implementation of our behaviour management policy is the responsibility of the staff, children, parents/carers, governors and the wider community.

    When you chose to accept the place at Athelney, whether that was eight years or eight weeks ago, you signed up to our values and culture and we have endeavoured to ensure that all stakeholders adhere to this wherever possible.

    When our children follow our rules and values, they will be complimented and rewarded through their class agreed systems.  Children will also receive praise and positive comments from the adults in school for good behaviour, manners, learning and for acts of kindness/caring.
    Each half-term, achievements will be celebrated during Celebration Assembly. Celebration certificates will be awarded for good learning, following the values and for achieving a personal target. Speak Out rewards will
    All children are rewarded for achieving 10, 25, 50 and 100 green card days.

    We have identified a need to more stringently enforce our behaviour expectations this term so that all pupils in Key Stage Two and our wider community have the opportunity to succeed. Those who maintain good behaviour need not fear this change, they should embrace the fact that we will not tolerate the behaviour and nonsensical acts that have caused them to be distracted in recent days.


    A RED CARD is given for on-going disruptive behaviour (following a verbal warning and a yellow card).

    A RED CARD is given immediately for zero tolerance behaviour – there is no verbal warning or move through the card system. This can only be enforced by a member of the senior leadership team, but can be requested by any member of staff and an investigation may uphold this request.

    A RED CARD will be given immediately for ZERO TOLERANCE behaviours:

    Verbal abuse: Racist and homophobic language will not be tolerated
    Physical abuse: any unacceptable contact with another child (including PLAY FIGHTING) or any other member of the community eg punching, kicking, pinching, hitting, slapping, grabbing, stealing, destroying property etc
    Mental abuse: bullying – something that goes on day after day after day
    *NEW* Social media abuse-  where action on social media have a detrimental impact on the learning of any pupils including the instigator.

    The Behaviour Monitoring Log will be completed by the reporting adult and parents/carers will be informed verbally by the adult who investigated the incident or awarded the red card. We will need to follow up this red card with a discussion with parents, at present this will be virtually or on the telephone.

    If a child’s actions have caused damage to anyone’s property the child will be expected to tidy/clean/replace the damaged property.  Parents/carers will always be informed of these incidents and expectations.

    The children have been reminded of these expectations and consequences and are happy with the clear explanations around justice for all pupils and staff. Please do not hesitate to talk to your class team or contact me via the school office if you have any comments or questions.

    Mrs Dummer
    Head of School

  • Black History Month - Listening to our community

    Tue 29 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    As we approach Black History month we need your help. All the adults in the school are currently working really hard to update our curriculum so it reflects our community and society  and it also promotes a more equal and just society.


    We believe that all schools are key to tackling racism and other forms of discrimination. At Athelney Primary School we embrace our community, welcome all and strive to be inclusive in all that we do. Our School Values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Confidence, Collaboration and Community underpin all that we do. We are always here for you, regardless of your race, sexuality, gender, religion or anything else which makes you, you.


    However we know we can always do better and this is where you can help us. We are going to hold a Zoom meeting on Wednesday 7th of October at 16:00 to open up the discussion to what you think as parents and carers should be included in what we teach the children and how we can better promote equal opportunities for all children.


    We know the change for a better world, needs to start at school and at home with children from a young age, help us with that change. Without our voices together that change will not be loud and clear.


    ‘Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.’ James Baldwin


    Meeting ID: 723 0649 9369
    Passcode: Athelney


    We are sorry we cannot meet in person but we look forward to hearing your thoughts.


    Yours sincerely,


    Nick Simms

    Deputy Headteacher

    Athelney Primary School

  • Year 6 School Journey and Secondary Application Survey

    Tue 29 Sep 2020

    If you are a parent or carer of a year 6 child please complete the survey link.




  • Road Traffic Incident

    Thu 24 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and carers,




    Unfortunately one of our pupils was hit by a car outside the school gates this morning and had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance. Thankfully the child is now at home, sore, bruised and in need of lots of TLC but otherwise not physically harmed and we are very aware and ridiculously grateful because this could’ve been much worse.


    In the last week I have personally witnessed parents and neighbours driving erratically, playing loud music (which will be an obvious distraction) and generally not being fully aware of their surroundings when driving past our school at peak times. This must stop!


    Today has been a real wake up call for our school, we have revised our road safety curriculum and we have asked the local police to support us with enforcing safer practices such as NOT parking on the yellow lines/zigzags or corners. We are in the process of becoming a pedestrianised road and we will continue to campaign for the sake of our children. If you or your family have been affected by the incident please get in touch with the school office.


    Thank you for your consideration and support in this matter.


    Yours sincerely


    Mrs Nathalie Dummer

  • Covid 19 update for parents

    Wed 23 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    Update on School Systems and COVID safety

    As you may have seen/heard Prof Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance gave a live TV address about the spread of the virus - and what could happen over the next few months. There has been much speculation about further lockdowns and potential implications for schools, this is merely a guessing game. I can assure you that we are doing all that we can to ensure that:

    A) all of our families are safe from cross-contamination of potential illnesses including COVID-19 and

    B) we are providing the best quality education and interventions that we can to maintain the positive momentum and progress in learning for all of our pupils.

    The key points from the scientists address this morning were:

    • The virus is now increasing across the majority of the country. "So this is not someone else's problem, this is all of our problem," said Prof Whitty

    At the King Alfred Federation we have put in place all that we can to reduce risks and to increase social distancing between ‘bubbles’. In school this is going incredibly well. At the end of the day we need YOU to help us to maintain these high standards:

     Reduce the number of adults on site- One adult per household to collect from this week please (Mum, please leave Nan/Dad/Aunt etc across the road OR even better at home with the younger siblings if possible)
     Please do not take advantage of the staff on the gate by chatting to them whilst on duty, we are putting our families at risk by policing the gate, we are there to welcome and protect the children. If you need to talk to someone please phone!

    • It's a "six-month problem that we have to deal with collectively," said Prof Whitty. He said the seasons are against us with autumn and winter benefiting viruses like Covid

    We acknowledge that our children / we are all likely to get ill over the winter months (we normally do)! So we are asking that you take responsibility for your child’s care especially in the intial/most crucial 24-48 hours. If your child has a seasonal cold please keep them at home for a day to monitor their symptoms, you know your child better than us so will be able to monitor things like temperature and the severity of coughs. If they are okay they can return to school the next day, if you’re unsure please give us a call and we can talk it through.

    Norovirus is on its way so if your child has diarrhoea and/or sickness please keep them off of school until 48hours AFTER their last episode.

    The virus is not milder now than in April. Prof Whitty said some people have been saying this - but there's no evidence for it.

    All of the systems that we have brought in and all of the requests that we are making are for a reason. The last time the statistics around Coronovirus were this high we were operating as a school for 50 children, most of your families were safe at home, controlling the spread and doing what was necessary. We now have to face this pandemic in the real world, not in the comfort of our homes and the only way that we can do this is TOGETHER.

    From today you will see more staff wearing visors/masks at the beginning and end of the day. We are not wearing them throughout the day but we are wearing them to protect each other from potential harm.

    As I said last week, we do not have any confirmed cases at our school (yet) but I am guessing that it is only a matter of time before we do. When that time comes I know that our staff can say that we have done all that we can to reduce the risks of transmission in our community… my question is: Can you say the same?


    Thank you for your continued support at this difficult time, please take care of yourselves and your families.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs Nathalie Dummer

  • Information for Year 6 parents on secondary school virtual visits

    Wed 09 Sep 2020 Mr Simms

    Click here to find out when secondary school open days are happening across Lewisham.


    Also please ensure you let us know whether you will be attending the virtual information evening or attending in person on the 15th September at 16:30.


    A copy of the letter about the meeting is available in the letters section of the website.