Moon Class
Welcome to Moon Class!
Home Project
Make a monster. Some children have made lovely creative monsters. It is not too late for you to use your imagination and bring a monster into class. Prizes for the most imaginative and creative. Please bring your monster into class by Friday 24th June, Thank you.
PE from Week beginning 6 June 2016
PE is now on Tuesday mornings.
Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit as our session is at 9am. Please sent their uniform in a bag so they can change after PE.
Thank you.
Sports Day
Moon class had a wonderful time on Sports Day. Everybody joined in and walked there and back beautifully. Well done Moon class
April 2016
We have seen some amazing
mini-gardens. Well done everyone.
If you haven't made your garden yet,
please bring it into class by next
Friday, 29th April.
Thank you
Home Project competition 23.03.16
Please support your child with making a mini garden. They will be displayed in the classroom and your child will have the opportunity to talk about their creation to the class. A prize will be given for creativity. Good luck
Book Corner 15.03.16
Well done to all the children in Moon
class. Everybody contributed to
turning our book corner into Spring.
I am very proud of them.
We all went to the local playground and developed our physical development by climbing on a variety of equipment. We had a lot of fun.