Supporting your child at home
Below is a list of strategies and suggestions that you may find help things to go more smoothly at home:
- Set up a Zones of Regulation display at home and use the language of the Zones to talk about feelings. Make sure your child knows what is in their Zones Toolkit and with your support can choose a calming or alerting strategy to help them to be in the Green Zone. Find out more by clicking on the Zones of Regulation tab on the Resource Base page.
- Use a visual routines to help your child predict what to do next.
- Use the same routines, e.g. Come in front door and say hello, Hang up your coat, Wash Hands, Get changed, Look through contact book and talk about day, Choose a toy and play, Have dinner etc.
- Write a social story to help your child to understand social situations and what is expected of them. Find out more by clicking on the Social Stories tab on the Resource Base page.
- Use reward charts to support progress towards a specific target at home, e.g. 'you will get a tick on your chart every time you tidy up your room. When you get 10 ticks you will earn a cupcake / trip to the park / new book'.
- Know what your expectations are and have this clear in your head. Manage your expectations based on your child's strengths and needs and choose a target that is achievable. Make sure that the first targets that you set are easily achievable then grow targets from there.
- Have clear sanctions and stick to them. Make sure they are manageable, e.g. removal of toy for 10 minutes or time out for 10 minutes. Celebrate them for completing sanction.
- Communicate regularly with school. Make sure that you share good things that have happened at home as well as concerns / things that need to be improved. School can help give consistent messages about expectations around behaviour at home.
- Access additional training & services, e.g. Parent Forums, Drumbeat Outreach. Find out about available services more by clicking on the 'Services to support your family' tab on the Resource Base page.
- Play with your child! Enter their world and spend time together do things that they like to do - this will foster strong relationships and respect.
- Use timers and prepare your child if something is going to end, e.g. it's time to tidy up.
- Access clubs in and out of school to keep them busy.
- Have things ready for them to do at home, e.g. set up colouring, craft or things that they like so that they can engage with these activities when they get home