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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Rockets Nursery Class

Welcome parents and children to Rockets Nursery at Athelney Primary School


Meet the Nursery staff.......




       Mrs McAuliffe is                           Mrs Hull is the Nursery              Mrs Waring is the Federation

     the Nursery Teacher.                                   Nurse.                                Nursery Phase Leader.



Please feel free to talk to any member of staff in the Nursery if you have any questions or concerns.



30 hours Childcare / Full Time Nursery Places


We can offer the Government funded 30 hours for eligible children / parents. If you think that you fall into this category and would like your child to be included for full time Nursery education here at Rockets, this will need to be completed online. Please go to the to find out further information and to gain a eligibility code. Once you have this code, bring this into the main school office and your child's name will go down on a waiting list.


We also have 15 hour spaces for 3/4 year olds. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours that spaces are available!





Important information to remember:

Session times:  

AM session: 8.45am - 11.45am

PM session: 12.30pm - 3.30pm             





We will be starting breakfast and snack time in the Nursery. We encourage a range of healthy foods and would really appreciate any contributions to this from parents and carers.

Examples are cereals such as Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, Weetabix, Shreddies. Examples for snack time would be foods such as bread sticks, crackers, different types of fruit. Any thing that you can contribute would be very gratefully received.





Please make sure your child has a spare set of clothes in a bag on their peg. There may be times when we need to change your child and it is much easier if we have a change of clothes from home. If you have any spare clothes that could be donated to the Nursery, please bring them in and give them to a member of staff.