Saturn Class
Welcome to Saturn class.
Teacher:Mrs McNally
TA:Miss Simpson
LSA:Mrs Holland
LSA:Ms Rickwood
Reading: All children should read for 15 minutes every evening.
Spelling: A list of spellings will be given to your child every Monday. Please support your child so they will be confident for their spelling test every Friday.
Homework: Maths (in relation to what has been taught in class that week) and Literacy (to include comprehension, grammar or handwriting). This will be given to your child every Friday and should be completed and returned by the following Wednesday.
PE: Every Monday.
Please ensure your child has the following kit.
Plain white T shirt
Plain black shorts/joggers
Plain black plimsolls/trainers.
Swimming: Cancelled until further notice.
Summer Term 2
I just want to say a big congratulations to all the children for taking the SAT's tests in their stride. I was so so proud of them all.
This term our main topic will be DOGS!
Literacy - We will work with the following books:
Oh No George!
Victory Dogs.
Dogs can't do Ballet.
and hopefully many more.
We will also look at the many ways in which dogs help humans.
Maths - Tally charts, Bar graphs, Variety of measurement, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions and much more.
Science - Body parts of dogs, How dogs communicate, Dogs diet, Reproduction of dogs.
History - How dogs became domesticated, Dogs in space.
Geography - Wild dogs of Africa, Eskimo dogs.
RE - The five pillars of Islam.
PE - Dance and rhythm, Athletics.
Drama - Acting out stories, Guide dogs.
Music - Singing, Drums, Xylophones.