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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation is a whole school approach to foster regulation and emotional control.

Across Athelney Primary School we teach the Zones to help children manage their feelings and stay ready to learn.


The Zones of Regulation - an explanation for parents

For example, are you feeling tired (blue zone)? What can you do to get yourself back to green?

The Zones in ya Homes!


It is proven that the Zones of Regulation is most effective when used across a variety of settings, including home.  To this end we'd love you to try to use this curriculum when talking about feelings and regulation with your child.


To support this, it would be great if you could create a Zones of Regulation display in your home.  It could be a poster designed by your child and pinned to the fridge, a small display somewhere in your house that your child goes to calm down, a picture to remind of the Zones and your child's Zones Tools on the back of the front door.


Please click the icon below to access the 'Zones in ya Homes' pack.


When you make a display, please do send us a snap!

The Zones in ya Homes!

Have you been creating a zones display in your house? Send us a picture of it...