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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Monday 25th January

Literacy Focus: develop a cat character.

Read or listen to Chapters 17, 18 and 19.

In this lesson, you’ll turn yourself into cat and pretend to be part of Varjak’s world. You’ll give your reaction and thoughts about the terrifying Vanishings.

Resources: sheet (in the resource pack) and pencil

Listen to Chapters 17, 18 and 19


This week in Maths, we are revising money. 


WALT convert amounts between pence (p) and pounds (£)

Remember your learn it: £1 = 100p! 


Here are 120p or £1.20


When writing £ and p you need a decimal point. This shows how many of the numbers are showing the £ and how many are showing the p.

In money, because the biggest possible number of p is 99p, the decimal is always followed by two p digits. Amounts of money cannot have one p digit or three p digits: 


The last two digits will always be your p, so 142p = £1.42

142p could never be £14.2 or £142

307p would still keep 2 digits after the decimal point:  ----> £3.07

370p would still keep 2 digits after the decimal point. 

ALWAYS count in two decimal places.


367p --> £3.67         45638p  ------>£456.38


Think about.... How many £ in 524p? 

                         Where would you put the decimal point in

                         this number, to make it £ and p?                            1489p?


See below for the video explanation and your tasks for today.  


Ms Wongdies explains converting amounts of money

Still image for this video
As I couldn't interact with the screen, I am unsure whether this will be helpful. I hope so!

Maths Questions : 

WALT use decimal notation in money


Challenge: Convert these amounts of pence into pounds!

Remember: the last two digits will be the p e.g. 3567p = £35.67

  1. 4583p                                                           7) 4067p
  2. 5423p                                                                8) 58456p
  3. 7932p                                                           9) 50038p
  4. 5507p                                                          10) 39535p
  5. 3219p                                                          11) 40505p
  6. 9008p                                                          12) 48340p



Further money activities Monday - two levels. Choose your level of challenge: if the first section is too easy, then complete it and try out your reasoning with some Qs from the Challenge!

Topic- RE

Today you will learn about the Buddhist festival known as Wesak. You will also create your own Wesak Lantern.

Click on the image above to watch a video about the Wesak festival!