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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.


Resource Base interventions:

The Resource Base offers a wide range of interventions tailored to meet the needs of the cohort.  The interventions on offer generally change each term.  This Term we offer 27 different interventions each week!


Please check your child's timetable to find out what interventions your child is accessing this term.


Below is the full list of Spring 1 interventions.  The table shows the name of the interventions, some blurb about what we are doing and why and the outcomes we will be working towards.

Intervention groups



Objectives / outcomes




Language Partner Early Work Group




Group size:


4 chn


Resources are boxed up and language boards created for these. 


Chn use language to request and interact with resources.


To be able to use “subject + verb” word combinations to comment during a motivating play activity.


To be able to use “subject + verb” word combinations to request during a motivating play activity.


To use an aided language board to express thoughts



Higher attaining Maths Group




Group size:


11 chn

Opportunity for over-learning and re-visiting key concepts of Number and Arithmetic to consolidate understanding


To grow confidence and independence, including knowing and selecting useful resources.


To encounter reasoning questions


To make progress towards academic targets in Maths.


To use personalised resources and adult support to attend to a learning task for 15 minutes.


To use resources to help increase their level of independence.




Colourful Semantics

(embedded within English)




Mon - Weds


Group size:


5 children

Constructing sentences that have meaning with correct word order.


Linked to book / curriculum focus.


Story, Comprehension Quiz, Sequencing, Labelling, Captions, Writing sentences.


1 week cycle.  GM to plan weekly plan and resource using reading book schemes. 



To learn and use key words and concepts linked to the text with adult support


To answer questions about a text to Blanks Level 2 with adult support


To create a sentence that carries meaning using a variety of word combinations including people’s names and verbs.


To use adjectives to describe a noun or a feeling


To sequence a story


To verbally describe what is happening in a picture



Higher ability English:

Year 2/3 pitch

With social skills embedded


Mon to Thurs


Group size:


11 children

Purpose of group is to engage, provide opportunities for talk and group work based around roles, grow confidence for writing, develop independence, capture where they are as a writer, I am a writer – what this means

To make progress towards academic targets in English.


To use learned strategies and available resources, including adult support to be alert and engage productively.


To attend to an adult directed table-top writing task for 15 minutes


Can tolerate making a mistake


To answer questions about a text to Blanks Level 3 with adult support



Phonics – RB phonics programs



Mon – Thurs

Group size:



Separate 1:1 sessions for named individuals

Following the Little Wandle phonics scheme


To attend to motivating phonics activities linked to phase 3-5 sounds.


To complete a table top learning activity for up to 5 minutes




To engage with adult-directed session


To follow the visual schedule to practice recall of phase 3 – 5 sounds


To blend sounds to read


To segment sounds to write words


To write sentences


To complete adult directed task


To be proud of myself



Guided Reading Groups


Mon - Thurs

Children engage with an ASD friendly daily reading program which incorporates elements of Destination Reader.


They answer Blanks 3 questions and take turns at listening and reading aloud.



12:00 Club HA grp


Mon – Thurs


Group size:


9 +


Students accessing RB interventions may miss out on wider aspects of the curriculum as a result.


This session will provide an opportunity for students to grow their foundational knowledge within a small group environment. 


Learning will be linked to current themes and texts being taught in English.


To engage with foundational learning


To use language when working within a group


To listen to a peer and respond


To use tools to be ready to learn


12:00 Club LA grp


Mon - Thurs

Developing fine-motor and handwriting skills.


Engaging with spelling programme.



To engage with adult-directed session


To complete adult directed task


To be proud of myself







Lego Therapy


Monday 2:15


Group size:


8 chn


Students will participate in Lego Therapy program delivered by trained members of the team.



Children develop their language by using words to describe colour, size and shape of blocks.


Children develop their language of position, e.g. in the middle, next to, at the side.


Children practice giving and receiving instructions with peers.


Children can say when there has been a mistake.




To take turns


To know what is expected of them in the different roles


To use adjectives to describe size and shape


To use adjectives to describe position


To give an instruction to a peer, using name first to gain attention


To follow an instruction given by a peer


To tell a peer if their instruction has not been followed correctly


To use strategies to remain calm if they have made a mistake




SEND PPA – Active listening


Monday 2:15


Students will reflect on the skill of listening


They will reflect on themselves as listeners.


They will learn to monitor their levels of alertness and link this to the Zones.


They will learn strategies to keep them ready to learn.


They will learn key language

Students will understand that everyone needs help in lots of areas throughout their lives.


Students will be able to identify when they have not understood in a structured small group activity.


Students will know a range of “really useful phrases” that they can use to ask for help and will be able to choose one with support.



ASD and me


Group size:


13 children

The aim of the group is to develop the children’s’ understanding of their Autism, what this means to them and what this means to others.


The idea is to create a ‘My Autism’ work book that students can refer to and share with others. This will have 6 main areas but will also follow student voice so may have additional information in to meet need as and when it arises.


To identify ways in which people are different


To develop understanding of Autism and be able to explain this to others


To know that everyone needs help with understanding things and to know what my communication differences are


To know how to ask for help


To learn ‘really useful phrases’ to be able to talk to others

To know what makes a good friend / to know how to be friendly


To know what sensory differences are and to know what my sensory differences are





Secondary transition group




Apollo Class

To help children to prepare for moving to Secondary school.


To find out what the children already know and what they want to know.


The Transition Group sessions will be used to talk about Secondary school and what it will be like.


We will also find out about each child’s named Secondary school by looking on the school website and preparing for going to visit their new school.

To share what we know about secondary school


To share what we would like to know and ask questions


To use computers to research about secondary school


To share what they are excited by


To share what they are nervous about


To learn ‘really useful’ tips to help them navigate their time at secondary school


To meet some secondary students


TDF Drama and Dance project – Language Partners




Group size:


To engage with traditional and familiar tales and high quality texts and use movement and drama to explore themes and characters within the story.


To re-tell a story.

To listen to a story


To share their feelings about a story


To use dance and drama to explore a story


To follow the lead of a peer


To explore character through role play


TDF Drama and Dance project – Conversation partners




Group size:


To engage with traditional and familiar tales and high quality texts and use movement and drama to explore themes and characters within the story.


To re-tell a story.


To work with peers in a group.

To listen to a story


To share their feelings about a story


To use dance and drama to explore a story


To follow the lead of a peer


To explore character through role play


Relaxation / sleeping time / Yoga


Tuesday 2:15


Group size:


Children will participate in a 20 minute relaxation session.


Children will learn what helps them to relax.


They will learn how to rest, be quiet and be still.


They will use different tactile / self-tactile resources to help them to be calm.

To know what resting and relaxing is.


To know how to relax their body.


To use breathing techniques to be calm.


To stay calm and quiet for an extended period of time – up to 15 minutes.


To be still.







Active listening




Emily / Jade


Group size:


Children develop skill of listening actively!  Children must use tools to help them top keep alert, focussed and to tune in to an activity.


Students listen to instructions, identify if they have understood or not understood, think about why they may not have understood and then request help.

Students will understand that everyone needs help in lots of areas throughout their lives.


Students will be able to identify when they have not understood in a structured small group activity.


Students will know a range of “really useful phrases” that they can use to ask for help and will be able to choose one with support.


Speech sounds


9:00 daily

To develop speech sounds

To develop identified speech sounds


Feelings on film




Emily / Jade (or cld jade do something else)

Children explore feelings and emotions linked to the Zones of Regulation through the medium of film.

Use feelings words


Identify how a character is feeling


Identify why they may be feeling this way


Suggest what they could do to regulate themselves


Suggest what others can do to help


Colourful Semantics





Group size:




Constructing sentences that have meaning with correct word order.


To use language to comment and request


To create a sentence that carries meaning using a variety of word combinations including people’s names and verbs.


To use adjectives to describe a noun or a feeling


To verbally describe what is happening in a picture








Group size:



Following instructions – next to / under / below / size / colour / shape


Students will be able to follow 1-2 step instructions steps with embedded concepts: before/after, next to, above/under, and descriptive given visual supports and 1 repetition as needed.


Students will be able to follow 1-2 step instructions steps with embedded concepts: colour, size, and shape given visual supports and 1 repetition as needed.


Students will be able to follow along a structured learning activity by ticking a checklist containing at least 3 steps with 1 verbal prompt.



Story-telling group





Group size:



Children are given a selection of story cards.  They look at the cards and sequence them.  They comment on what they can see in the cards.  They answer Blanks 3 questions about the cards.  They orally tell the story of the cards.

When given picture cards and a sequencing board, students will be able to sequence at least 3 pictures to a story with visual and verbal supports.


Students will be able to identify and/or label at least 3 story elements (character, setting, actions, etc.) with visual and verbal supports.



Project Club 1




Group size:


Create a story as a group, share roles, take turns and record it

To attend a group activity with a small group of peers.


To be able to give a clear instruction to a peer.


To be able to follow an instruction given by a peer.



Attention Autism


Thursday 2:15pm


Group size:



Children engage in motivating activities.  They learn, to wait, take turns, request and express spontaneously.


Children learn the key words / concepts linked to each activity.


Children learn to shift attention and participate in interactive activities and take turns.

To develop joint attention with adults and peers


To share enjoyment in something with others in the group


To wait and take turns when working in a group


To attend to an adult-led activity


To use language to spontaneously express





Confidence Club


Thursday 2:15


Group size:



Children work collaboratively towards the creation of a performance piece, e.g. a play / performance poem.


Anxiety is normalised.  Children think about themselves and what they are good at / find challenging.    Targets are set.


Children modify their voice and body language when performing.


Children perform in front of an audience / share a filmed version with an audience.

Use my language for a range of social functions (speaking in front of others, turn-taking)


Use appropriate body posture & proximity for the context and partner (incl. eye contact)


Use appropriate volume and intonation for the context – encouraging children to speak clearly and confidently in context.




Art therapy with Julia & Lorraine


Group size:





To engage in a calming sensory art activity in which children enjoy being together and creating something

To follow visual and verbal instructions


To use a range of art media


To develop fine motor skills


To attend to a motivating task


To share resources with peers



Thursday at 11:15



Group size:


Children engage with a cooking activity linked to the story of the week in English.  Children follow instructions / recipe.

Children sequence instructions.

Children share resources with peers and take turns at using equipment.

Children learn key words / concepts for the task.

Children build sensory resilience – touch, smell, taste.

Children offer what they have made to peers and adults.

To follow a set of instructions with growing independence


To use language to comment on events and actions of others


To engage with an adult directed task


To smell, touch and taste a range of different foods


To take turns and share resources.





Special Interest / Topic Club


Group size:


Children complete a survey at the beginning of term to rank their favourite topics.  From this data topics / themes will be chosen for the 6 ½ terms.


To identify an interest / passion


To work within a group to create a presentation


To co-create an activity for the class to complete


To deliver a presentation to the class