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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Year 4 Home Learning

Welcome to Spring 2! 


_____________________________Archived Spring 1 Content


This week's Timetable

Star Agents of the Week (5)

laughWeekly Y4 Zooms! cool


Our A-zoom-blies are recurring meetings so once you have the link for each day, you can reuse it at the same time the next week. There are three meetings as follows: 

Monday 9.40

Wednesday 13.40

Friday 13.40


Because this is a public page, we cannot display the links here. Please use your class email if you do not have the login information you need.  If the schedule changes we will let you know. 


If you are able to participate, we strongly recommend that you do - it helps us to retain a sense of togetherness while we are apart. heart


Zoom Guidelines

We are learning as we go, thank you for all of your patience!

Because there are so many participants in these zoom sessions, we need to follow these steps: 


Speaking and taking turns on Zoom

Your teacher cannot see you all at once.

If you want to speak, please use the chat: 

- instead of writing our your question, just write S for speak

Your teacher can look at the chat to see who wanted to share. 


General guidelines: 

Please ensure you are close by when your child is on zoom and share these guidelines with them:

- make sure your child's name is displayed on the screen

-make sure you are set to mute

-write S in the chat if you want to share something. Your teacher will unmute you

-use the chat only to ask/ answer the teacher questions, not to talk amongst yourselves


SEE YOU ZOOM! (terrible pun, does it even work..?!)

Click the image below:

Dear Year 4, 

Teacher emails:

Warm regards,

Year 4 Team

Big Maths School code: 0408

Previous weeks:

This week's timetable

Watch Children's Mental Health Week assembly

This assembly features pupils and famous faces discussing this year's theme: 'Express Yourself'. Watch the video to find some interesting and creative ways to share your thoughts and feelings.

Star Agents of The Week 

The images below show us how responsible and resilient year 4 are being during this difficult time. 

Flick through the images below to see some of your brilliant home learning. 


Alfie's Week 2 work