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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Monday 1st March


Boost your vocabulary!

There are new words for you to learn this week: hauled, crevasse, buffered, relentless, muffled and sprawled. Complete the activity and email it to your teachers.

If you want a challenge: why not write a poem about Nanuck using all the words from this week and last week?


Multiplication and Division


We are recapping multiplication with varying levels of challenge! 

Remember multiplication is groups of and we are all improving our knowledge and recall of our times tables in year 4. 

Warm up! 

Click on the image below to play Hit the Button. How many answers can you get right in a minute? Can you beat your own score? 

For something without time limits, try coconut maths:

If you need more of a challenge, try this one - try lowest common multiples to really get you thinking! 


Can you link the multiplication facts?


Bookmark Making Competition!!

Don't forget to email your completed bookmark to your class email