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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Star Class

Put a Little Love in Your Heart

Well done to all of Star Class at Sports Day!




  • Children should wear their PE kit to school.


  • We need lots of volunteers to walk to Sedgehill with us. Please let us know if you can help.



  • School is providing a packed lunch.


  • Safety Notice:

  • Please apply sunscreen before school.

  • Ensure your child has a hat and a jumper or hoodie.

Thanks Miss Davies

It was super smoothie Friday!



​Storybox Competition



What is it? 

A story box is a miniature setting, a shoe box-sized stage with a background and objects within it relating to either a specific book, or to a common story scenario. 


Why do it? 

Story boxes are a great resource to support children’s exploration of stories. They form areas in which to retell a favourite story, as well as creative arenas for children to make up new stories too- encouraging talk, imagination and literacy skills. 

Choose a favourite story or nursery rhyme and create a scene from the story using art and craft materials.


​Here are some examples.














The deadline for your entries is 20th May.

I look forward to seeing your creations.

Miss Davies

Book Week: Don't the children look great!

Book Week - 29.02.16

It's great to be back after the half term. We've seen the first signs of spring and had lots of fun exploring our Forest School area.

Happy Valentines Day from everyone in Star Class








Have a safe and happy holiday.



Kung Hei Fat Choy









Parent Reading Morning


On Tuesday we had our first Parent Reading Morning. There was a buzz around the room with Mums and Dads reading with their children. The children really enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week.











Please come along. The children really appreciate your involvement in their learning.


We had our 2nd mystery reader, which the children loved.





If you would like to be our mystery reader next week please let me know.


Have a good weekend.


Miss Davies

Engineers of the Future


The children have been busy this week designing and building bridges to help The Gingerbread Man cross the river. The children had to use their problem solving skills to design a bridge and they came up with some amazing bridges.






Why not try making one at home. You don’t need to buy anything special. You could use sticks, straws, cardboard boxes. Make it as big or as small as you like. We’d love to see your creations. There will be a prize for the best bridges. Closing date: 4th March.


A Cut Above


A hair salon has opened this week and the children have been taking appointments and styling hair. It’s all at very reasonable prices!





Mystery Parent Reader



We had our first mystery parent reader this week. The children enjoyed listening to the story. If you would like to be the mystery parent reader please speak to me to arrange a date.




Finally the children continue to make good progress in their phonics. Please continue to support them at home by practising reading and writing letter sounds. Here are some ideas you could try. How many sounds can they write in 5 minutes? Can they find objects around the house and match the to a letter eg. apple – a




Outdoor Learning



We braved the cold to use our new potions station experimenting with different ingredients.




W​e thought of different ways the Gingerbread Man could cross the river.


        ​ ​ 


Great British Bakers


Last week we made delicious bread. We measured the ingredients carefully and talked about how the mixture changed as we added the water and kneaded the dough.


Look at the skills we used 



          Careful measuring                 








Welcome to Star Class!


We have settled in really well. Look how smart we look in our school uniforms.




This week we focussed our learning on writing. The children came up with lots of ideas about what writing is, when you do it and what you need to write. They have been busy writing shopping lists for Handa, party invitations and birthday cards.

Why not ask your child to help you write the shopping list this weekend, or if they draw a picture can they label it or write a caption.?

If they're in the mood for an extra challenge there are lots of things you can do at home with this picture:

  • Talk to your child about what is happening in this picture.

  • Can they draw the characters?

  • Can your child write a list of the characters they can see in this picture? Encourage them to write the sounds they hear when they say the words.

  • Can you make lolly stick puppets of the characters togetherand put on a show.

  • Can you act out the story together.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Davies, Miss Wells & Miss Parker


This week we have been learning about Diwali. 

This week we set up a Big Talk table. The children have had lots to say about this photo.


Can they tell you what might happen if the man reaches the top? Can they draw a picture or write a caption?






















Please remember to bring your child's bookbag everyday.

We have a reading rota. Please remember to bring in your child's reading record on their reading day.


Miss Davies, Miss Wells and Miss Parker