Zodiac Class
Welcome video
Welcome letter to Zodiac 2020
Hello to all Resource Base Families!
I hope that you are all well and are managing OK in these rare and unusual times. The Athelney Team continue to work hard to provide a varied home-learning curriculum for your young people.
This half term, your child's class teacher will provide a weekly set of PiXL activities: Reading, Writing, Grammar, Arithmetic and Maths - all accessible through the class pages on the Athelney Website. They will also create a new 3x3 learning grid with ideas to support your child's learning in science and the foundation subjects. The grid and PiXL packs will be updated and live on the website by 08.06.20 at the very latest.
To supplement this, the Resource Base will be providing additional activities to support the growth of your child's self concept this half term. The learning follows the Talkabout Programme by Alex Kelly - a social communication skills package. I have created a bank of thinking points and activities linked to this intervention and put them into the 3x3 learning grid format. You should talk about the thinking points with your child and provide opportunity for your child to write or draw their ideas or you could scribe for them. Feel free to re-phrase the questions to meet their level of understanding. Please be aware that it will be useful to complete the activities in order.
I will update the Talkabout 3x3 learning grid by 15.06.20 with the next set of activitives.
All the best,
Greg Mace
Talkabout 3x3 Learning Grid - a social communication skills package
Hi Resource Base Families,
Sharing a broad range of music is important for our young people. Listening with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music is part of the National Curriculum. So I thought I'd share some varied tracks from a range of musically styles. It was compiled by Anthony Burbage - one of Athelney's fabulous teachers who is also a music lover and musician!
His ideas for listening are as follows:
There are many ways to listen.
How does the music make you feel?
Do you get any pictures or colours in your head?
Does anything surprise you?
What sounds or instruments can you hear?
Do you like the music? Why? Why not?
Does it remind you of other music you know?
Enjoy! Mr Mace
Hello Resource Base Families!
I hope that you are in good spirits and managing well at home. Our lovely SALT, Olivia Blockey, has been working with the Resource Base team to create a pack of resources to support the development of your young person's language and social skills development at home.
Please find a selection of these below - there's some very useful suggestions and documents in the packs, please do have a look!
Language Partner SALT advice and activities
Conversational Partner SALT advice and activities
Zodiac and Sky class
Lead Teacher
Mr Mace
Class Teacher
Miss Cutts
SEN Teaching Assistants
Miss Demi, Ms Shippey, Miss Round, Mr Whoriskey, Miss Francesca, Miss Lynton, Ms Miller, Mr Hanson, Ms Tucker, Mr Chavannes and Ms Svilenov.
School times
Zodiac class daily breakfast club begins at 8.30am.
School starts: 8.50am
School finishes: 3.25pm Monday-Thursday, 2.30pm Friday
Please sign up to our class dojo page to receive the latest information and photos. If you need help with this, please let us know.
Your child will have a home/school contact book which is written in daily.
Please send in the contact book every day.
Students in the Resource Base have weekly PE and swimming sessions with their integration classes.
Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit and swimming kit in school on these days.Please ensure all kit is labelled with your child’s name. We recommend that you bring your P.E kit in on a Monday and take it home on a Friday so that it is always in school.
Resource Base swimming: Friday
School swimming caps are compulsory and can be purchased from the school office.Resource Base cooking: Friday