Jupiter Class Year Three
Welcome to Jupiter Class
Your class teacher is Mrs McFarlane
Learning Support Assistant - Mr Welch
Learning Support Assistant - Mrs Cox-Gray
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are all so excited to be in the warm Summer Term!
Hopefully the weather will stay nice and warm so that we can enjoy some of the lovely out of school adventures soon.
Thank you for all your hard work at home with your children. They have all made brilliant progress and really enjoy achieving their dojo points for their home learning.
Below are some of the tools that you can use to help you have an informed and successful year.
School hours:
Monday -Thursday 8:40-3:20
Friday 8:40 - 2:20
Our class swimming day is Wednesdays.
Our PE lesson day is Thursdays.
Spellings test on Friday.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on the class email address: jupiter@kafed.org.uk
Kind regards,
Mrs McFarlane
Jupiter Class
our classroom
Food tasting/ Fruit salad
Magnets investigation
In year the children are expected to read everyday. They are encouraged to read independently, however it is important that they read with an adult so that they can learn important reading skills like inferencing and comprehending the information from the text read. As we want our children to develop a love for reading, we are encouraging the children to choose their own book and read at fifteen minutes daily at home/ a chapter everyday. When they have completed these books they can share it with an adult and then get another book.
In year 3, the children will begin to learn spellings patterns. They will be tested on a half termly basis and be given spellings based on their ability. Spellings homework will be sent home on Friday and the children will be tested on these words the following Friday.
In year 3 we will be focussing on forming our pre cursive letters so that we will be able to write in a cursive style later on.