Apollo Class
Welcome to Apollo Class!
Apollo class is taught by Miss Arnold and supported by Ms Gibbs and Miss Jones.
Our head boy is Sathursan and our head girl is Archilles.
Did you know that the Apollo program was the first to land humans on the moon? This makes it a fitting name for our class as it encapsulates our hopes for our children: to see them realise their full potential!
Please use our page to see all the wonderful things we are doing and to find out information about our class.
Autumn Term
Our topic was World War II. We learnt about the lives of British and Jewish children during this time by reading Goodnight Mr Tom and The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.
World War II Display
Our World War II Day
We also visited Chislehurst caves before ending the year with a joint Year Six V.E (Victory in Europe) party.
Spring Term
Our topic for this term is Rights and Responsibilities. We have been learning about Nelson Mandela and the apartheid. As a class, we have read Journey to Jo’burg and have produced some fantastic pieces of writing as a result.
Rights and Responsibility Display
For Spring Term 2 (after the February half term), P.E will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Children are required to bring their full kit. This includes: a plain white top, plain black shorts or jogging bottoms and black trainers/plimsolls.
Reading Journal and Reading Reflection
All children in Apollo class are asked to read and write about what they have read every evening. They are asked to write a minimum of a page in their reading journal.
I am very proud that so far children in Apollo have been consistent in doing this and this is reflecting in their writing!
Homework is given every Friday and is collected in on a Wednesday. Children are expected to complete all pieces of homework.
Homework club is every Tuesday. Children are encouraged to come along and ask any questions about their homework.
It is now a requirement that children are able to spell a selection of words before they leave primary school. Throughout year six, we focus on mastering as many of these words as we can. We want our children to be in the best position, ready for their secondary education.
Use the link below to have a look at the spelling list on page 23. Feel free to use this with your child/children!
Times Tables
Times tables are a fundamental part of Maths. Feeling confident with times tables, will help children to feel happy and confident in Maths. In class, we encourage learning of times table by playing games.
Here is a popular website we use and enjoy:
Year Six Moments