Pluto Class
Our Trip to Eltham Palace
UFO found in Year 1 Playground
Welcome to Pluto Class 2019.
A very Happy New Year to you all!
This term we will be learning about Toys from the Present and Past.
Children can bring a non-valuable; non-special toy from home on Fridays starting from next week (18.1.19). If we have any issues with this plan I will let you know.
Pluto class timetable for activities:
P.E. day: Tuesday
Swimming day: Thursday
Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on these days – children MUST have suitable footwear for outdoor PE.
P.E. Kit: White T-shirt, Black Shorts, plimsolls/trainers. A tracksuit can be worn in colder weather. Please ensure all kit is labelled with your child’s name.
Spring 1 term
In Numeracy we will be focusing on identifying numbers up to
100, solving simple number problems and learning Mathematical language.
In Literacy we will be focusing on using our Phonics and
grammar skills to write simple words and sentences to create a narrative.
In our topic lessons we will learn about toys from the past.
In our topic lessons we will continue to learn about animals including humans.
In our RE lessons we will learn about Christianity and the bible.