Apollo Class Year Six
Apollo 2020 welcome presentation
Welcome letter Apollo 2020
Monday 6th July
Good Morning Apollo,
I hope you are all safe, happy and well at home. It is coming very close to the end of the school year now and we are busy planning exciting activities for you to take part in for your very last day at Athelney!
Thank you to those of you who sent in your Athelney memories.
I cannot wait to see you all very soon. In the meantime, keep yourselves busy with the activities below.
Let me know what you are up to at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Miss Adeyemi and I are very excited to see you all soon!
Stay safe.
Virtual elbow bumps.
Miss Owen :)
First News 6th July
Summer Term Week 5
Monday 29th June
Good Morning Awesome Apollo,
Hope you had an amazing end to last week in the sunshine! I have added more resources and this weeks First News. We have been watching Newsround each in day in school, there are some very interesting stories to keep up to date with things.
Missing you lots.
Hoping to see you all very very soon!
Virtual elbow bumps
Miss Owen :)
First News Monday 29th June
Summer Term Week 4
Monday 22nd June
Good Morning Amazing Apollo,
Here we are, another week of activities to keep you busy when you aren't enjoying the amazing sunshine! Let me know about what you get up to this week; park visits, games with your family and siblings, reading an amazing book maybe. Email me at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Missing you all lots, hopefully see you soon!
Miss Owen
First News 22nd June
Summer Term Week 3
Monday 15th June
Hello Amazing Apollo,
Here we are for another week of home learning. Special shout out to Pukalnila, Maia, Samu, Nadjay and Aaliyah for their amazing work! I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I have added new Maths, SPAG, Reading and Writing activities below. There is also the current First News for you to read with some activities.
Let me know how you get on at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Missing you lots.
Hopefully see you soon!
Miss Owen
Summer Term Week 3 Learning
First News
Monday 8th June
Good morning Apollo,
How are you all doing? I have posted some more learning resources below to keep you busy each day. I have also attached a creative learning activities grid where the activities are linked to TV and Film. Let me know how you get on at apollo@kafed.org.uk
I have uploaded the current First News paper too - I really enjoyed reading about J.K Rowling's new book that she is releasing for free online!
Take care, still missing you all!
Virtual elbow bumps
Miss Owen
Summer Term - Week 2 Learning
First News
Creative Learning - Lights, Camera, Action
Monday 1st June
Good morning lovely Apollo students,
I hope you all had an amazing half term and managed to have some fun in the sunshine we have had over the last week. Send me an email at apollo@kafed.org.uk to let me know what you have been up to.
I have uploaded the new Shakespeare project activities (Week 6), this weeks First News and click on the Epic Books page to access a range of online books.
Missing you lots Apollo.
Stay safe.
Miss Owen :)
Monday 18th May
Good Morning amazing Apollo,
How are you all? It was lovely to speak to some of you on the phone last week and hear about your gardening, cooking and home learning. We are heading into Week 5 of the Shakespeare Project, check out the amazing work -special shout out to Pukalnila and Samu!
This week there is new challenge from Mr Black
Have a go and let me know how you get on at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Also this week would have been Sports Day! Take a look at the challenges you can do to hold your own Sports Day at home in the Sports Day tab below.
This week is Mental Health awareness week, take a look at some of the activities you can do to celebrate the importance of good Mental Health.
Missing you lots - hopefully see you soon!
Elbow bumps
Miss Owen
Amazing Apollo work
Monday 11th May
Good Morning Apollo,
How are you all doing? Keeping busy and safe I hope. I am still thoroughly enjoying seeing some of your Shakespeare Project work! I have added the activities for Week 4 below as usual. I have been uploading the First News paper and activities for each week too - take a look.
Additionally, this week would have been SATs week. Obviously, we are not doing them as we had practised so I have been thinking...
Let's change the meaning to SAT - Share A Talent.
Send a drawing, picture or a video of you sharing your talent to the Apollo class email and we can celebrate each others talents! I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to.
Stay safe and happy!
Virtual elbow bumps
Miss Owen
Monday 4th May
Good Morning Awesome Apollo,
It was so lovely to speak to some of you again last week and hear you are all keeping busy, healthy and most importantly happy! It is so nice to receive emails from some of you too - I get very excited when I see an email in the inbox!! Don't forget you can contact me on here, keep sending me work, pictures or just a diary of what you have been up to!! apollo@kafed.org.uk
We are beginning Week 3 of the Shakespeare project - take a look at the activities for each day. Also this Friday is VE (Victory in Europe) Day, which remembers the celebrations across Europe as World War Two came to an end. Have a look at all the fun activities you can do at home.
I am not the only one missing you all, Miss Adeyemi is always asking how you all are doing and has written you all a letter.
Dear Amazing Apollo,
I hope that you are all keeping safe and well. The daily routine has indeed changed, but I am sure you've got a little schedule going and your commitment to your learning and spending time with your family is even greater.
The key thing with your learning, is to do a little everyday! That keeps your brain cells working!
I am ever so impressed by the super-studious, head-down and get-on-with-it attitude many of you are showing to the Shakespeare project - it has been very impressive.
Please keep up with your reading-remember books let you travel without moving your feet! Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.
What new skills have you learnt to do? What has been your favourite activity while being at home? It would be great to hear, send us an email.
I know many of you have read the book Wonder by R.J.Palacio. It mentions...
We carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness.
We have seen recently so many kind people helping others during this time. I am sure like for me, it has been very awe-inspiring and lovely to see.
We cannot wait to have you back in school.
We really really do miss each and everyone one of you.
Stay well
Stay safe
Stay positive
Stay submitting online!!
Remember you are not stuck at home, you are safe at home!
Virtual hugs
Miss Adeyemi
Monday 27th April
Good morning lovely Apollo students,
I have had some seriously amazing work sent in from Pukalnila, Samu and Nadjay. Take a look at the pictures below! It's so lovely to see that you are managing to keep your brains busy!
It is WEEK 2 of the SHAKESPEARE PROJECT!! This week the focus is The Storm.
Email me any work or questions you have at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Mr Black also has an ICT challenge for you - he wants you to build a scratch game! Follow his instructions at https://sites.google.com/view/mrblackvirusgame
Stay safe and stay happy!
Miss Owen
Apollo Home Learning
First News for Week Beginning 27th April
Week Beginning 20th April
Hello Apollo,
I hope you all had a lovely Easter at home with your families. I am missing you all but loving hearing what you are getting up to via the class email. Let me know how you are doing on apollo@kafed.org.uk.
We have a very exciting SHAKESPEARE PROJECT all based around The Tempest. Every week there will be:
- A news broadcast with updates
- A storytelling for that week's act of the play (retold by theatre practitioners)
- Easy to follow lessons, related to areas across the curriculum, broken down for each day. There is enough to last you 2-3 hours each day!!
- Video tutorials/activities/stories from our theatre practitioners (for example 'How to make puppets')
- Weekly competitions set by famous patrons to engage and enthuse you EVEN more!!
Please take a look at the resource folders for each day and send any learning to me on apollo@kafed.org.uk by Friday 24th April.
Stay safe and happy.
Virtual elbow bumps!!
Miss Owen
Week Beginning 6th April
Hello Apollo,
It was so lovely to speak to some of you and your parents last week to hear everyone is keeping safe at home.
It would now be our easter holidays so I have an Easter Challenge for all of you to complete, 5 points for each you achieve over the next fortnight. I have 20 points already!!! Let me know how you get on at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Stay safe and keep in touch!
Air high fives!
Miss Owen
Some Home Learning and Apollo Classes new mascot (Tibby- Samu's 8 month old terrier)
Week Beginning 30th March
Hello Apollo,
We hope you have been playing, reading, learning, helping out and most importantly having fun whilst you have been at home.
Have you memorised the volume and relative clause songs yet? Miss Adeyemi and I are sure you have played it on loop which has surely made your adults very happy!
Here is another fun Maths website that you can join to access free games:
Here are some more websites that are worth spending some time on:
Miss Adeyemi and I want to see if you can solve this riddle:
"A ferryman has a problem. He has to take a goat, a wolf and a cabbage to the other side but can only carry one at a time. How can he get them safely to the other side without any of them being eaten?"
Let us know at apollo@kafed.org.uk
Stay safe and healthy.
Virtual elbow bumps and air handshakes!!
Miss Owen and Miss Adeyemi
Week Beginning 23rd March
Hello Parents, Carers and Students of Apollo class!
I hope this email finds you all happy and healthy. I am missing Apollo class A LOT! Thankfully, we can now keep in touch with each other by using the Apollo class email:
Please feel free to contact me on this address to ask questions about the learning challenges that were sent home, send pictures of what you have been up to or send me an email diary of what you get up to each day. Apollo students if you want more tasks to keep you busy – have a peek at the Apollo class page on the website.
Stay happy and healthy.
Elbow bumps!
Miss Owen
Welcome to Apollo Class 2019-20
Class Teacher - Miss Owen
Class Adult - Miss Adeyemi
Contact us on apollo@kafed.org.uk
Home Activities
Spring Home Project
Apollo class will have Gymnastics for the Autumn term. This will be every Thursday. The children will need to have a T-shirt and shorts/joggers that are close fitting.
In Spring Term the children will be learning the basics and skills of Netball and Tag Rugby. This will be every Tuesday. The children will need joggers, a hoodie or jacket, a t-shirt and trainers as if weather is fine we will be outside.
We will also have swimming on Tuesday pm. The children will need a swimming costume, towel and swimming hat.
Learning in Apollo Class
Children in Apollo class have made a superb start with their reading this year! Children are expected to complete a page reflection in their reading journal every evening. We have discussed time management and it is acceptable if children want to complete entries ‘ahead’ of time. We have a class library and school library for children to loan books from but also encourage children to enjoy reading for pleasure and students can read books that they have at home too.
Home Learning
Our topic this term is World War Two. Students will have the opportunity to create mini projects, extending the learning they are participating in at school at home.
Children will have a weekly spelling test.Words will be given out each half term. Children are aware of the group they have been assigned.
In addition to the weekly spelling test Spelling Frame is a free website where children can access spelling games to reinforce their learning.