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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Ms McMahon's group

The TRUE story of the 3 little pigs by A.Wolf as told to Jon Scieszka. Grandma Annii's Story Time

The wolf is trying to set the story straight of how he came to be 'big and bad'. It's the story of the 3 little pigs from the perspective of Alexander T. Wol...



Write a letter to A.Wolf in jail. Have a think about what more you would like to know about his version of events. What questions would you  ask, to help you find out what really happened to the three little pigs?


Remember to include

  • An address and date
  • A greeting e.g. Dear Mr A. Wolfe
  • Questions (don’t forget the ?) ,this could include information you would like to find out.
  • Your own thoughts on the whole story, do you believe the wolf.
  • Your name (Full name)


I look forward to reading your letters. Don’t forget to send them.




How to Draw Repeating Patterns Art Hack - HGTV Handmade

This is an easy hack of how to draw your own repeating patterns of anything!

Use the video to help you create your own repeated pattern! Don't forget to send me your finished product.