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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Callisto Class

Upcoming events


On Tuesday 7th May we will be having our class photo.


Sports day will be on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at Sedgehill Secondary School. The school will provide the children with a packed lunch. Please ensure you apply sun cream on your children in the morning and they have the correct PE kit.  




TEACHER: Miss Clarke

TA: Miss Simpson

LSA: Mrs Cox-Gray

Volunteer: Mrs Ennis

β€œThe potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation.” β€” Ray L. Wilbur, third president of Stanford University

Key Information


PE: Every THURSDAYs. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit. A PLAIN white or purple t shirt with PLAIN black or grey shorts.

SWIMMING: Every WEDNESDAYs (temporarily out of service).


HOMEWORK is given out every FRIDAYs and must be returned the following FRIDAY. It is usually grammar, spellings and maths.


EVERY CHILD SHOULD be reading 10 minutes per day and their reading record must be signed. Otherwise they will attend reading detention on Friday during playtime.


If you are ever unsure then please come and see any adult in Callisto class.

Spring 2 Curriculum


Addition- adding 2 digits number together


               Partitioning                                                  Column Method

                                                                                             (carry tens underneath if needed)


using  column method..


Subtraction-  Subtracting 2 digits numbers.


                                   Bridging the gap                                         Column Method

          1. Children write both numbers either side of the

        empty number line. 2. First jump to the next multiple

    of ten. 3. Jump to the final number. 4. Find the total of the 

  two jumps to find the answer.


Multiplication- 2x 3x 4x 5x 10x 


Division- dividing by 2,3,4,5,10


Fractions- mixed and improper fractions

mixed fraction-

improper fraction-

Rotation- understanding the term clockwise, anti clockwise, quarter turn, half turn and three quarter turn.


How to read and covert tally into a bar chart


This half term we will be covering the following books.


One day on our blue planet in the Savannah' by Ella Bailey WEEK 1-2

Main outcome- independent 'descriptive noun phrase' write.

Additional outcomes/ skills- Adjectives, verbs, adverbs, adverbial openerss, questions, facts, role-play and kenning poems.



'Leaf' Sandra Dieckmann WEEK 3-4

Main outcome- independent writing retelling the story in character.

Additional outcomes- making predictions, punctuating statements and questions, using subheadings, publishing, using feeling adjectives effectively, conjunctions and  persuasive writing, story mapping using emotions.



'Wild' by Emily Hughes WEEK 5-6

Main outcome- Recall own life experiences

Additional outcomes/ skills- Character description, feelings, justifying reasons, freeze-frames, thought bubbles, free verse poem and  story-map of emotions.


Science-Animals including humans


Image result for animals in their habitats

Art- learning how to stitch

How to help your child at home!

Cursive Handwriting: How to Write the Alphabet

This is a cursive writing demonstration video showing how to write the letters of the alphabet in their precursive form, which will support your cursive (joined) handwriting. It models how to write the letters of the alphabet using pre-cursive script. Cursive handwriting is commonly taught in schools across the world.

3 Times Table Song - Numberjacks

How fast can you recite your 3 times table? Practice makes perfect!

Skip Counting by 4 Rap Song | Dance the 4 Times Tables

SONG What better way to memorize the multiples of 4, skip count, and master the 4 times tables than through break dancing!

5 Times Tables | Kids Multiplication Song | Children Love to Sing

5 times tables multiplication to help you learn and remember the fun and easy way, then test yourself with the random test. Accelerated learning occurs when we use our senses... see the numbers and answers come alive on screen and hear the times table rap!🎡

10 Times Tables | Kids Multiplication Song | Children Love to Sing

Times Table fun - learn and remember your 10 times tables the easy way, then test yourself with the multiplication time table random test. Accelerated learning occurs when we use our senses... see the numbers and answers come alive on screen and hear the times table rap!🎡

SATs practise papers

Hi parents 

Please use this website to help prepare your child for their SATs this month (May).

Please let your children try the following test;

- Paper 1 spelling


- Maths- Arithmetic

- Maths- Reasoning

-Literacy- Reading paper 1

- Literacy- Reading paper 2