Rockets Nursery Class
The next block of home learning is here! This time it is called 'Around the World' and has lots of activities about different countries and cultures from around the world. Have fun and let us see what you have been doing!
Mrs McAuliffe discovered a Robin in the Nursery!!
How is Missy? She is learning how to have her teeth cleaned.....just like the children in the Nursery.
Here is the next block of home learning for Nursery. This time it is all about food! As usual, if you want to show us what you have been doing at home, then get your adult to take a picture and send it into the Nursery email address.
Remember our stay at home sports day next week!
Hi everyone. We all hope that you are well and staying safe at home. We have put together some more exciting activities that you could work through whilst you are at home, this time based on 'the area that you live'. We hope that you have fun trying out some of the ideas, just click on link below to open the word document. If you want to show us what you have been doing, then get your grown up to take a picture and email it to school. Take care and we will see you soon.
Draw With Rob
If you want to have a go at drawing pictures with an author and illustrator, then go to Google and type in 'Draw With Rob' and you will see lots of videos by Rob Biddulph. You can follow along with his youtube videos where he will give you easy step by step instructions on how to draw characters from his books. All you need is some paper and a pencil! Have a go and keep it safe to show us all when you come back to Nursery or get your grown up to take a picture of your pictures and email them to us for us to see!
Telescopes with Repeating Patterns!
This week Mrs Waring and her children have made telescopes. They used old cereal boxes and practised using the scissors carefully to cut off the broken parts. She then helped them fold the box so it made a tube shape and they stuck it together using sellotape.
They then used paints to paint a repeating pattern on the telescope! One telescope had a repeating colour pattern of blue, yellow, blue, yellow and the other telescope had a repeating colour pattern of blue, orange, purple, blue, orange, purple.
Could you make a telescope at home and think about a repeating pattern you could add onto it? It could be different colours like the ones Mrs Waring made or they could have shapes or dots - its up to you!! Have fun!
WEEK BEGINNING 20/04/20 Hello all! Everyone at Nursery hopes that you and your family are well and keeping safe. We know some days can be difficult when you have to stay at home and you can't come to school to see your friends and teachers, but remember that you are doing great! The teachers at Nursery have had a think about some activities that you might like to do at home and we have put them together here. Have a look and have a go! You can save any pictures and work you do and bring them in for us to see when we are back to school. We all miss you and hope to see you all soon!
As schools will be closing, Nursery have listed some exciting activities that you can do at home. Click on the link that will take you to the document. There are also some links to websites that you can visit for activities. Nursery will keep posting activities and ideas of things to do at home in this time, so keep visiting the class page on the website. Take care everyone.
While Rockets Nursery is closed, there are plenty of activities you can do to keep you and your child occupied and having fun, and to keep your child learning at home:
- There is a Rainbows in Windows competition taking place across the whole country! As part of this competition, children around the country are designing a rainbow to go in their window to show support for NHS workers. Please stick your entry in your window for everyone to see, and send a picture of all of your entries to with the subject of the email being 'Rainbows in Windows. Here is some inspiration:
Amani sent some pictures of the wonderful rainbow he has been making with his family.
2. Every weekday morning, my daughter and I have been doing P:E with The Body Coach, Joe Wicks live on YouTube at 9am! It is an amazing half an hour workout, and it is very fun and suitable for all ages. If you subscribe to his YouTube channel, you will get a notification when he goes live at 9AM every weekday morning.
Get your gym kit on and get moving!
3. There are plenty of education websites you can go on with your children to keep them learning at home:
- - games and educational resources
- - Free e-book library
- - free maths games
- - numeracy, literacy and science resources and games
- - an educational resource site. Parents can sign up for a months free subscription
- - Phonics resources. This site has been made free to use. To access the resources you can use the following details to log on: USERNAME: march20 PASSWORD: home
And lastly, some of you may remember that I was getting a new puppy! She has come home a bit early, but here she is! Her name is Missy and she is a brown Labradoodle who has lots of energy, loves chicken and loves to chew everything - including our slippers!
Missy has been with us for two weeks now and is growing fast!
We are teaching her how to sit using a little bit of chicken as a reward.We have also found out she loves peanut butter.
Here is another update on Missy! She went into the garden for the first time and she loved it! She played on the grass, and sniffed the flowers and chewed all the sticks! Here is a picture of her having fun in the garden
Welcome parents and children to Rockets Nursery at Athelney Primary School
Meet the Nursery staff.......
Mrs McAuliffe is Mrs Hull is the Nursery Mrs Waring is the Federation
the Nursery Teacher. Nurse. Nursery Phase Leader.
Please feel free to talk to any member of staff in the Nursery if you have any questions or concerns.
30 hours Childcare / Full Time Nursery Places
We can offer the Government funded 30 hours for eligible children / parents. If you think that you fall into this category and would like your child to be included for full time Nursery education here at Rockets, this will need to be completed online. Please go to the to find out further information and to gain a eligibility code. Once you have this code, bring this into the main school office and your child's name will go down on a waiting list.
We also have 15 hour spaces for 3/4 year olds. Please tell your friends, family and neighbours that spaces are available!
Important information to remember:
Session times:
AM session: 8.45am - 11.45am
PM session: 12.30pm - 3.30pm
We will be starting breakfast and snack time in the Nursery. We encourage a range of healthy foods and would really appreciate any contributions to this from parents and carers.
Examples are cereals such as Rice Krispies, Cornflakes, Weetabix, Shreddies. Examples for snack time would be foods such as bread sticks, crackers, different types of fruit. Any thing that you can contribute would be very gratefully received.
Please make sure your child has a spare set of clothes in a bag on their peg. There may be times when we need to change your child and it is much easier if we have a change of clothes from home. If you have any spare clothes that could be donated to the Nursery, please bring them in and give them to a member of staff.