Saturn Class
Welcome to Saturn Class!
Class Teacher: Miss Townsend
TAs: Mrs Chambers and Ms Fearon
PE - Thursdays
Please ensure your child brings in their full PE kit every Tuesday. This term, we are learning gymnastics.
Your child should have the following:
- Black joggers or leggings
- Plain white T-shirt or the school purple T-shirt
- Plimsolls or trainers
Swimming - Mondays
Swimming is continuing after the Easter break! Please ensure your child has their swimming kit including a swimming hat.
The first week back after Easter, we will have our swimming lesson on the first day back (Wednesday 24th April) to make up for the lost lesson on Easter Monday. Please bring swimming kits as usual.
Easter Break
Saturn Class have worked extremely hard this half term so we would like them to enjoy their well deserved break homework-free! If they are particularly keen to do some extra work over the holidays, please have a look at the links on our class page.
Have a fantastic break!
Reading: Please support your child by reading with him/her every evening for 15 minutes. Record their progress in the reading record book at least 3 times a week.
Children can also use electronic devices to view ebooks through the website Click on the pink tab on the top right hand side 'My Class Login' and the credentials:
Username: saturn19
Password: saturn
Please select the book band we have set for your child to read the book and complete the follow up comprehension activities. This is great practice for SATs reading papers.
Spelling: Your child will bring home spellings every Friday. Please support your child with learning them in preparation for a test on the following Friday.
Literacy/Maths: Your child will bring home a homework folder every Friday containing work based on what has been learnt that week. Please ensure your child completes both pieces (with your support) and return the completed work on the following Friday.
Spring Term 2
Our topic this half term is 'Animals'!
Literacy: We are reading and writing about:
One Day on our Blue Planet Leaf Wild
by Ella Bailey by Sandra Dieckmann by Emily Hughes
Weeks 1-2 Weeks 3-4 Weeks 5-6
These books focus on animals, emotions and climate change. Saturn class will be exploring these themes through writing, research and drama.
Maths: This term we will be learning to quickly recall...
Multiples of 2, 5 and 10 (mixed) and 'anchor doubles':
5+4 6+5 7+8 and 9+8
Anchor doubles are taken from what we already know about double facts e.g.
"I know that double 9 = 18 so I know that 9 + 8 = 17 because 8 is one less than 9"
We will also be solving any 2 digit + 2 digit number by using partitioning or the column method...
Partitioning Column Method
(carry tens underneath if needed)
...and solving any 2 digit - 2 digit number by bridging the gap or the column method...
Bridging the gap Column Method
1. Children write both numbers either side of the
empty number line. 2. First jump to the next multiple
of ten. 3. Jump to the final number. 4. Find the total of the
two jumps to find the answer.
Science: Animals in their Habitats
Visit the website below to look at different animals in their habitats:
Geography: Recognising and naming continents and countries
Explore the world using the website below! Click on a country/continent to watch video clips, learn key vocabulary and take part in the quizzes to test your knowledge!
RE: Easter
You may enjoy making one of these Easter recipes at home!
Art: Sketching, using mixed media including clay and sewing.
Photos coming soon!