Saturn Class Year Two
Welcome to Saturn Class
Teacher - Ms Singh
Teaching Assistant - Ms Simpson
Key phase Leader - Ms Jones
Class email address:
Dear Parents / Carers
A very warm welcome to the new academic year 2023-2024. We are really looking forward to your child joining us on Tuesday 4th September 2023 and to welcoming you and your family into our community.
We always aim to make transition an exciting and enjoyable experience, giving our new and existing children the best possible start. Similarly entering Key Stage 1 and settling into Year 2 is a part of a new beginning. We thrive ourselves in allowing children to access a balanced and broad curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all children within our community and one that prepares children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
We hope you will continue to maintain positive relationships with us and work in partnership to provide your child the best education.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me using the form below.
Saturn class 2023
Key dates
Monday 4th September 223-Inset day
Tuesday 5th September 2023-Autumn term starts
Useful information
Start/ finish time
School starts at 8.40
School finishes at 15.15 (with the exception of Fridays- school finishes at 14:15)
Please be on time at the beginning and the end of the day.
Swimming- Every
Please ensure your child brings in the correct swimming kit inline with the school policy.
- Close fitting trunks (not shorts) or one piece bathing suit
- Swimming hat
- Towel
- No jewellery or watches
- Long hair must be tied up/ back.
PE- Every
Please ensure your child wears the correct PE kit into school inline with the school policy.
- Indoors – bare feet, a close fitting PLAIN white or purple tee shirt and close fitting black shorts (above the knee)
- Outdoors – trainers or plimsolls, a close fitting PLAIN white or purple tee shirt and close fitting black shorts (above the knee), with a black track suit in cold weather.
- No jewellery or watches
- Long hair tied back.
Athelney Primary School is a Kind Community
To support children’s understanding and expectations around expected and unexpected behaviour on the playground staff have comprised this lovely social story to share with children.
Please share this with your child to further promote this notion.
Understanding expected and unexpected behaviour at Athelney Primary
Attending school is paramount
If child are not in school they will not be able to learn. Research informs us attending school gives children the best possible start in life and prepares them for the future. It not only provides children with subject related knowledge but equally ensures they develop lifelong skills such as socialisation, problem solving and decision making.
What is more, at Athelney Primary School we believe believe our vision and values are core and are therefore at the centre of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
If your child is absent from school for any reason please reconsider carefully if they really need to be off. If so please report absences to the school office inline with the schools attendance policy.
Do I really need to keep my child off school?
Meet the Teach powerpoint - Useful information about Year 2
Our beautiful classroom
Our Beautiful Classroom
Maths Homework:
Your child will take home a math homework sheet every Friday. The work will be based on what your child has been learning during that week at school.
Please support your child with this and return it to school by the following Wednesday.
Big Maths Parents and Carer's Guide
Spelling Shed
Spelling Homework:
Every Friday your child will take home a spelling list that have been carefully selected according to their phonics learning and the use of Spelling Shed, a subscription that the school uses. This is an exceptional platform, allowing children to master spellings rules in a fun and exciting way. For young children, research clearly indicates that spelling supports learning to read, and for older children, it's likely that learning about the meaningful relationships between words will contribute to vocabulary growth and reading comprehension.
All children have been provided with a Spelling Shed log in to help them engage with spellings. These will be reset every Friday in accordance with the spelling sheet you child takes home. Children will be tested every Monday.
Please support your child to learn their spellings.
Children will bring home a Guided Reading book and a shared book everyday day. Children should read their Guided Reading book to an adult and share their shared book with an adult whereby both you and your chid read this bool collectively.
The reading record should be filled in every time you read with your child and is a extremely important form of contact between you and your child's teacher.
All three books- Guided Reading book, shared book and the reading record should be brought into school EVERYDAY
Please ensure your read with your child daily- this can be in the form of a book, age appropriate newspaper article, magazine, leaflet, recipe instructions ect. The more variety, the better- reading is not just about picking up a book.
Little Wandle- Supporting your child at home
The resources through this link will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home.
Time Table Rock Stars
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice for children of all ages. This exceptional platform has successfully boosted times tables recall speed for many children at Athelney Primary School.
Your child will be provide with a Times Table Rock Stars login, allowing him/her to develop their speed and accuracy. In doing this, children will progress through to various Rock Status.