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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Moon Class Reception

Welcome to Moon Class

Class Teacher: Ms Hedington

TA: Ms Martin
Moon Class email address:


Swimming Day- Every Monday
Children will need in a separate bag- towel- swimming suit/trunks/costume- swimming hat.
PE - Every Wednesday
Children will come into school wearing black joggers/shorts, white polo/tshirt, suitable black/white trainers. Water bottles please.
Chn will not be changing into their PE kits at school. 

Book Focus- Every Week
Each week we will be looking at a new book in class and I will upload the story clip on here so children can continue their learning at home. There will be a phrase children can try to join in with and discussion points/ activities uploaded below for you to try and do with your child at home.  
English/Phonics and Maths 
Click on the stars below for more interactive games/activities/videos to support learning at home.

SUMMER 2 NEWSLETTER :) Things to get up to in the 6 week hols :)

In Summer 2 we will be focussing on...

  • Children talk about the season summer and can compare the seasons.
  • Children reflect on their learning journeys. 
  • Children participate in adult led activities to support transition into year 1.
  • Children begin to reflect on their work/models/artwork and think how they could make it better or self-correct mistakes.
  • Children are independent in most areas of learning and will find ways to support them to complete a task e.g. visual aids.
  • Children continue to use mathematical/topical/science language in free play confidently, to describe and/or categorise objects, to impart their knowledge e.g. with animals, sizes, weight, capacity.

See below for our Summer 1 newsletter- to see an overview of what we got up to this term and what will be happening in Summer 2

In Summer 1 we will be focussing on...

  • Children spending quality time making their models. Their models are carefully designed and their artwork are more detailed.
  • Children to continue talking freely about signs of spring including flowers and insects.
  • Children will continue to blend words independently. Children to write a simple sentence independently.
  • Children to show problem solving in situations and solve conflicts between themselves.
  • Children using mathematical language in free play confidently, to describe and categorise objects e.g. animals, sizes, weight, capacity etc.

See below for our Spring 2 newsletter- to see an overview of what we got up to this term and what will be happening in Summer 1

Week commencing: 17.7.23

Graduation ceremony MONDAY 17th :  9-9.30
We will be looking at the book Snail and the Whale this week and talking about how we can look after the planet and animals. 


The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. Children's read-aloud story with illustrations.

Week commencing: 10.7.23


We have been looking at the book 'SPLASH!' this week.

We have started our final topic of seaside/ underwater. 


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"will you come and play in the waves with me?"

" And she wants to splash with somebody!"


Talk about what you would do at the beach and what you would bring to the beach with you?



Week commencing: 4.7.22


We have been looking at the book 'Tiddler' this week.

We have started our final topic of seaside/ underwater. 


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"sorry I'm late" " TIDDLER'S LATE!"


Talk about the sea animals in the stories - their names, what they look like, any special characteristics. 


Week commencing: 26.6.23


We have been looking at the book 'Dear Zoo ' this week.
This is the last week we are learning about farm animals, zoo animals and pets. 

Next week we will be focussing on our seaside/underwater topic. 


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"so I sent him back" 


As a challenge try and categorise these animals to where you will find them- on a farm, zoo, house ( pet) 

horse, crocodile, tiger, pig, dog, cat, giraffe, sheep, fish, lion, elephant, goat, hamster, hippo, chicken etc..

Match up the adult to the offspring: foal, sheep, horse, lamb, cat, goat, kitten, kid, pig, dog, calf, duck, puppy, piglet, cow, duckling, chicken, chick

Dear Zoo - Animated Children Books

FLOWER INTEREST - children enjoyed creating a flower shop, learning to make a bouquet and visited a flower shop

Week commencing: 19.6.23


We have been looking at the book 'Squash and a Squeeze ' this week.
For the next few weeks we will be looking at farm animals, zoo animals and pets. 
We will also be learning about what baby farm animals are called and part of your half term challenge was to try and find out this.

What is a baby called pig/ horse/ cow/ rabbit/dog/cat/ goat/ duck/ chicken called?


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"Wise old man won't you help me, please? My house is squash and a squeeze" 

and see if they can join in with the animal noises

A Squash and a Squeeze By Julia Donaldson & Illustrated by Axel Scheffler

Week commencing: 12.6.23


We have been looking at the book 'What the ladybird heard on holiday ' this week.
For the next few weeks we will be looking at farm animals, zoo animals and pets. 
We will also be learning about what baby farm animals are called and part of your half term challenge was to try and find out this.

What is a baby called pig/ horse/ cow/ rabbit/dog/cat/ goat/ duck/ chicken called?


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"the ladybird never said a word" 

and see if they can join in with the animal noises



See if the children can draw their own zoo map. What animals would they like to put in their zoo. 

Bring it in and let me see! 

What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday 🐞

Week commencing: 5.6.23




We have been looking at the book 'What the ladybird heard ' this week.
For the next few weeks we will be looking at farm animals, zoo animals and pets. 
We will also be learning about what baby farm animals are called and part of your half term challenge was to try and find out this.


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says


"the ladybird never said a word" 

and see if they can join in with the animal noises

...' moo, cluck, hiss, quack, neigh, oink, baa, woof, meiow' 


See if the children can draw the map of the robbers plan, or why not try and hide some treasure/special toy in your home and draw a map to try and find it! 

Bring it in and let me see! 

What the Ladybird Heard - Story Read Aloud

Week commencing: 22.5.23

We have been looking at the book 'Twist and Hop Minibeast Bop' and ' superworm' 

Why not watch the clip below, together with your child- try and spot the rhyming words in the story. 

Why not try and think of words that rhyme with cat? - dig? - sun? - pot? 

Remember rhyming words are words that sound similar and they normally end in the same sounds. 




Twist and Hop, Minibeast Bop!

Superworm | Bedtime Stories for kids

Week commencing: 15.5.23

We have been looking at the books 'the Tiny Seed ' and 'Errol's Garden'

Why not watch the clips below, together with your child. 



We have been planning our own imaginary gardens where we have been talking about different things we can plant e.g. different flower seeds, fruits and vegetables. 

We have been learning new flower names e.g. poppy, sunflower, bluebells, lavender, pansies, daisy's, Lily's and daffodils. 

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle


We made a flower using potato printing and we also let go of our 5 class butterflies! 
We watched them be a tiny little caterpillar, to a long fury caterpillar, turn into  a chrysalis and then turn into a beautiful symmetrical butterfly. We gave them sugary water and oranges for their food and then we set them free!  

Week commencing: 9.5.22

We have been looking at the books 'Sam plants a sunflower seed ' and 'Oliver's fruit salad/ Oliver's vegetables'

Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says

“but where are my big yellow sunflowers?"


We have been planting our own sunflowers seeds and following step by step instructions. 

1. Put soil in the pot

2. make a hole

3. add the seed

4. cover the seed with soil

5. water it and put it in sunlight

6. check it to see when it is growing 

Sam Plants a Sunflower

Week commencing: 1.5.22



We have been looking at the books 'The very busy spider ' and ' The bad tempered ladybird' this week. 

Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says

 The Very Busy Spider

The noises the animal makes e.g. "“oink” “ baa!” etc… and 
'The spider didn’t answer. She was very busy spinning her web.' 

 The Bad Tempered Ladybird

“hey you want a fight?”

See if they can read it with expression. 

Also talk about time- what do you do at different times of the day e.g. morning/ lunch/dinner. Why not try and play a time game below and continue learning about o'clock and half past. 

The Very Busy Spider - Animated Children's Book

Story Time for Reception - The Bad Tempered Ladybird

Week commencing: 24.4.22



We have been looking at the book 'The hungry caterpillar ' this week and ' The crunching munching caterpillar. We have been learning the life cycle of a butterfly. First it is an egg-caterpillar- chrysalis- butterfly and children have been acted this out as a form of dancing. We have also got our very own real caterpillars that we are looking after and will observe them over time. 


Why not watch the clip below, together with your child and see if they can join in when it says

 The crunching munching caterpillar

"munch crunch" 

"well you can't" - in a strong demanding voice

 "I guess so"  - in a glum voice/ sigh 

See if they can read it with expression. 

 The hungry caterpillar 

...' but he was still hungry' 

Talk about the days of the week and healthy/unhealthy foods. 



Week commencing: 17.4.23



We will be looking at the book 'Ramadan Moon' this week and learning about the religion Islam. We will be learning about Muslims and how the celebrate Ramadan and Eid. We will learn about the Crescent moon, how Muslims give to the poor/charity, how they try to be kind, caring and polite and not get angry, how they fast ( don't eat in the day), how they pray, where they pray ( at home or in a mosque). When Eid comes they have a party, have hennas, have sweets, wear new clothes, have haircuts and have family members/ friends/visitors come over. 


We will be making our own mosques from the blocks or from drawing, making our own henna patterns. We will have a go at drawing the moon and star (symbol for Islam). We also will make our own crescent moon from tin foil in our art lesson. 


Eid Mubark! 


Ramadan Moon

CBeebies | Eid al-Adha | The Let's Go Club

In Spring 2 we will be focussing on 


  • Children continue using knowledge from their life skill sessions in their free play to impart knowledge.
  • Children talk about signs of spring.
  • Children show an interest in jobs in the community and can talk about them or act out the profession in role-play.
  • Children will continue to blend words, write captions and simple sentences using their sounds with little adult support.
  • Children continue to talk about their emotions and link their feelings to the zones of regulation. They begin to find coping mechanisms and ways to regulate themselves. 
  • Children become storytellers.  Children retell a fairy tale story and act it out.
  • Children will continue to answer number sums and begin to use more language that is mathematical in free play e.g. exploring shapes, patterns, sizes in the environment.


See below for our Spring 1 newsletter- to see an overview of what we got up to this term and what will be happening in Spring 2. 

See below for more weekly updates of what we got up to in Spring 2 :) 


Week commencing: 27.3.23


We are on our last week of our learning on fairy tales/traditional tales. Thankyou to everyone who bought in their fairy tale boxes. We enjoyed listening to the children retelling their fairy tale story using their box.

Fairy tales, or otherwise known as traditional tales, are stories that have been told for a long long time. They may include themes of love, talking animals, magic, good vs bad, power of 3.

We have been looking at the book 'Princess and the Pea' and 'Hansel and Gretal' this week and children have been introduced to speech bubbles to also show someone is talking. 

Why not try and watch the clips below and have a go at joining in with the stories. 


Questions/discussion points to ask with your child about the books: 

Who are the characters in the story?
Can you describe the characters? What do they look like?

Who is the baddie? 

Did you like the story? Why?

How do you know they are fairy tales- What themes are in the story? ( good vs bad) ( love) (magic) 

The Princess and the Pea - Give Us A Story!