Mars Class Year Three
Parent's Curriculum Leaflet
If you have any queries please email me by filling out the form below.
Key information
ClassTeacher: Mrs McFarlane
Adult support: Miss Parker, Miss Francessca
Key Phase Leader: Miss Redshaw
PE day- Tuesday
Children must come to school wearing their correct PE kits. This consist of a plain white or purple t shirt with black/ grey/ navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms accompanied with black trainers.
Children must bring in their own labelled water bottle from home.
Please give your children a piece of fruit for their morning snack as they will no longer be provided with fruit in KS2.
Daily reading is an essential to aid your child's development in all curriculum areas.
Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.
Reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.
What difference can YOU make as a parent?
You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it’s never too early or too late to start reading together.
Pearson website.
Help Your Child to Read at Home
How To Read With Your Child
Parents MUST help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. These 5 tips will make reading with your child more effective...
Dear Mars parents and children,
Happy New Year (2021) and welcome back!
We are having to have virtual school at the moment as we are not allowed to be in our classrooms at this time, however I know that we will still have fun learning.
I haven't got a word to describe how I am feeling, but I am really missing you and can't wait to see your happy faces and hear your interesting stories. Please join me in using some of our school value words to help us cope with some of the anxieties that we might be having now.
Just like before one of the class adult will be calling you on Wednesday or Thursday to check in on you, so please listen out for your call. You could also make a list of some of the things that you would like us to talk about in preparation for the call.
On the class page there will be learning posted for you each day. Just click on the day and you will find the tasks that I would like you to complete. You can print off the sheets if you have a printer at home, otherwise you can complete the tasks on some paper.
Please have a go and ask for help if you need to.
Also, we will be posting some video messages and reading you a story some days.
Most importantly, stay safe and warm. Please don't worry about anything as the adults are still sorting out everything so that you can return to school safely.
Remember that you can email me at if you have any questions. Please also send me some pictures of your learning so that we can share it on the class page.
Take care now and we will speak soon.
Your teacher,
Mrs McFarlane.
Autumn 2 Home learning grid
Autumn 1 Home learning grid
Autumn Term 1 Curriculum Information
Year 3 Reading
Example of reading skills that should be developed in Year 3. This video shows the responses from group of children who have read extracts from texts. The children are encouraged to summarise the story based on what they have read so far, draw their own inference based on what they have said i.e. suggesting a motive to a characters actions/behaviour or suggesting how they might be feeling, give justification for their views based on their knowledge of the text or even their knowledge of the outside world to support there justifications and begin to make predictions using their prior knowledge of the text.
This video also gives an example of the appropriate reading speed at Year 3 level - the emphasis is on speed of word recognition for understanding rather than decoding (using phonics) words being read.