Comet Class
Just before Easter we went on a trip to the Unicorn Theatre to see the Velveteen Rabbit.
The children were mesmerised by the performance.
Their behaviour throughout the trip was perfect. I am so proud of Comet Class.
We all had a wonderful day
Unicorn Theatre trip
Comet Class are making fantastic progress in their learning. Have a look at some photos to see some of the wonderful things they have achieved this half-term.
Thank-you to all the parents and carers who were able to come to our 'Stay and Play' this morning. Here are some photos to show you all the wonderful learning the children have done this term. They have earned a well-deserved break. Have a peaceful and very happy Christmas.
The Adventure has begun!
Miss Davies is the class teacher and Miss Keane is the class teaching assistant.
This term we are focusing on building our confidence by:
Settling in
Getting to know our teachers
Making new friends
Learning new routines
Learning to be independent and do things for ourselves
Each day the children will learn a new letter and sound during phonics. You can help your child at home by asking them which letter they have learnt today and practice saying it and writing it with them. You could ask them if they can find the letter in print on cans or packets of food. perhaps they could hunt around the house for objects beginning with that letter.
Children in Need raised lots of money today and Comet Class looked fab in their spots and pyjamas.
Reception enjoyed juicing oranges to get one of their ‘5 a day portions’. Here are some more tips to help you get your children to eat their 5 a day.
- Keep trying new fruit or veg – it often takes ten times before they like it – try offering new foods, in very small quantities, alongside the old favourites and keep offering rejected food every few weeks
- Cut them into small pieces and try steaming veg so they don't go soggy
- Don't say no dessert until you've eaten your veg – this will make them think that veggies = punishment, but you're also giving them the idea that pudding is more desirable than the vegetables
- Make a homemade pizza and pile on the veg toppings
- Look for the 5-a-day logo link
- Spread the five portions throughout the day – include a portion of fruit with breakfast cereal, to get the first one in early and include fruit as a mid morning snack
- Swap high salt, sugar and fat snacks with dried fruit, a smoothie or sultanas
- Keep carrots, celery and cucumber washed and cut into pieces in a box in the fridge – ideal for a quick snack