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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Curriculum Information

What Is a Co-ordinating Conjunction? | KS2 English Concept for Kids

In this video, learners will be guided by an experienced KS2 English teacher to fully understand what co-ordinating conjunctions are and how you can use a co-ordinating conjunction. Teachers will love this video because it can be used in so many different ways: English lesson starters, independent English learning, SPaG English homework and SATs English revision!

What Is a Subordinating Conjunction? | KS2 English Concept for Kids

Use this clear and engaging KS2 English video to help children learn all about subordinating conjunctions! Throughout the video, learners will be guided by a fully-qualified KS2 English teacher to help them understand what a subordinating conjunction is, how to use subordinating conjunctions and how to spot subordinating conjunctions within a sentence.

What Is an Adverbial? | KS2 English Concept for Kids

This engaging, teacher-led KS2 English video will help your leaners to identify, use and write adverbials within a sentence. Teachers will love this video because it can be used in so many different ways: English lesson starters, independent English learning, SPaG English homework and SATs English revision!

Adding & Subtracting Fraction reminder

Adding Fractions with Different Denominators

For more like this go to It's an easy-to-use route to resources, faster than scrolling through videos on YT! Before you come to this, you need to be confident making new equivalent fractions.