Monday 22nd February
Literacy focus:
Build your vocabulary!
This week we are going to study a story about a husky called Nanuck who has been chosen to be part of a dog team on a trip to the North Pole. At first he feels excited and proud, but then things begin to get difficult.
Today, you are going to boost your vocabulary by learning some new words. Open the worksheet and complete the activities. You can use a dictionary if you'd like. Email your teacher if there are still any other words.
Statistics - Pictograms
Look through the videos and slides below to learn about pictograms. Read the descriptions carefully and try to answer the questions.
Afterwards, complete the learning - choose your challenge.
Lesson video 1
Lesson Video 2
Worksheets for Monday
Maths slides - pictograms
North and South
Today we will focus on the Northern hemisphere...
This includes, all of Europe, all of North America, the top part of Africa and the top part of South America.
Use the interactive globe and your own research to complete the sheet below
Can you name any countries on the equator?