Venus Class
Welcome to Venus Class
Class Teacher: Ms McFarlane
Teaching Assistant: Ms Esegine
1. Double 3-digit numbers and halve even 3-digit numbers; revise unit fractions; identify equivalent fractions; reduce a fraction to its simplest form; count in fractions (each fraction in its simplest form).
2. Look at place value in decimals and the relationship between tenths and decimals; add two 4-digit numbers; practise written and mental addition methods; use vertical addition to investigate patterns.
3. Convert multiples of 100 g into kilograms; convert multiples of 100 ml into litres; read scales to the nearest 100 ml; estimate capacities; draw bar charts, record and interpret information.
4. Round 4-digit numbers to the nearest: 10, 100 and 1000; subtract 3-digit numbers using the expanded written version and the counting up mental strategy and decide which to use.
5. Use the grid method to multiply 3-digit by single-digit numbers and introduce the vertical algorithm; begin to estimate products; divide numbers (up to 2 digits) by single-digit numbers with no remainder, then with a remainder.
In Science...
Autumn 2 - Sound
This ‘Sound’ unit is about how vibrations cause sounds and how sounds travel, as well as how sounds can change pitch and loudness. The children will learn about how sounds are made, carrying out demonstrations of vibrations. The children will work in a hands-on way to explore pitch, and will use their understanding of how high and low sounds are made to create their own set of pan pipes. They will have the opportunity to make a string telephone, and will use this to investigate how sounds change over distance and through different materials. The children will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate the best material for soundproofing, in the context of making a music studio quieter. Finally, they will demonstrate their learning from the whole unit by designing and creating their own musical instrument that will play high, low, loud and quiet sounds.
Dates for the diary:
Christmas Fair 7th December 2016
Christmas Disco 16th December 2016