Jupiter Class
Welcome to Jupiter Class
Mrs Hicks (Class Teacher) and Ms Cole (Teaching Assistant) welcome you to Jupiter class.
What our timetable looks like...
Homework packets: Go out every Monday and are to be returned the following Monday.
Swimming is on Mondays where the children will need swimming shorts/full costume, swimming hat and a towel. They travel to Wavelengths in Lewisham by coach.
On Tuesday the children will have a PE lesson where tracksuit bottoms, a t-shirt and trainers/plimsolls will be needed.
This term we will be learning about some exciting things, such as:
Science: Rocks
The Stone Age
Peace and Christmas (R.E for those who participate)
Maths: Division, Fractions, Multiplication, partitioning, 3 digit problems (and much much more!)
Literacy: Myths, Legends, Non-Fiction, Persuasive Writing, Spelling, Adjectives, Punctuation
Dates for the diary:
Christmas Fair 7th December 2016
Christmas Disco 16th December 2016