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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Jupiter Class Year Three

We are learning how to write a set of instructions so today (17.5.21) we followed a set of instructions to make delicious pizzas!

Summer 1 Curriculum Information

Welcome to Year 3!

Our class email is



PE -  Currently on a Tuesday, children must arrive to school wearing their FULL KITS: plain black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt. No jewellery allowed for health and safety reasons.


Homework: Homework will be loaded on to the Homework page on Fridays. These will be organised by group i.e. Miss McMahon's or Mrs McFarlane's Maths/Literacy Group

Homework should be completed and returned to class teacher on Wednesdays. Homework either be emailed or printed and handed in. 


Reading: Reading records were given out in Autumn 1. Please encourage your child to read daily - this can be in the form of a book, age appropriate newspaper article, magazine, leaflet, recipe, instructions etc. The more variety, the better - reading isn't just about picking up a book.

Once you have listened to your child read, please encourage them to write about it in their reading journal; there are instructions/guidance at the front to help them.

Daily point on our Class Dojo system will be awarded.


Daily reading is an essential to aid your child's development in all curriculum areas.


Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.

Reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.


What difference can YOU make as a parent?

You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it’s never too early or too late to start reading together.


Pearson website.



Contact Miss McMahon

Please send any questions, requests, work, messages etc via the contact form below.

Times Tables, Vocabulary and Spellings are an essential part of learning but who says learning them have to be boring? 


I, personally, thoroughly enjoy learning about the etymology (origins of words) within the English language and how this impacts the spelling of the words, for example, did you know the word 'Journal' comes to us from the Late Latin diurnalis meaning "daily." It then became the Old French term jurnal for a book containing the daily prayer schedule. It then came to include other written records, but retained its "daily" implication. Related is the antonym of nocturnal, "diurnal.", hence why we call it a 'Reading Journal' :-).


And as for Times Tables, knowing these (and their associated division facts) supports mathematical learning and understanding. Children, and adults, who have a strong grasp of them tend to be more self-assured when learning/approaching new concepts. You can make this fun by learning rhymes, singing songs and challenging yourself.


Download the apps using the links below to practise times tables and spelling/vocab to help build your knowledge in a fun, engaging way :-)

School ID: AT5349

Help Your Child to Read at Home

How To Read With Your Child

Parents MUST help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. These 5 tips will make reading with your child more effective...

Year 3 Reading

Example of reading skills that should be developed in Year 3. This video shows the responses from group of children who have read extracts from texts. The children are encouraged to summarise the story based on what they have read so far, draw their own inference based on what they have said i.e. suggesting a motive to a characters actions/behaviour or suggesting how they might be feeling, give justification for their views based on their knowledge of the text or even their knowledge of the outside world to support there justifications and begin to make predictions using their prior knowledge of the text.

This video also gives an example of the appropriate reading speed at Year 3 level - the emphasis is on speed of word recognition for understanding rather than decoding (using phonics) words being read.