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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Friday 29.1


Please complete this week's spelling test with your child.


Complete your CLIC, SAFE and LEARN ITs Tests online

Writing Challenge: Write a description of your superhero, which includes relative clauses - look again at the ideas from your plan.



New child in class - Gareth's story - KS2 PSHE and Citizenship - BBC Bitesize

From last week’s video “Gareth’s story”, list 2 positives and 2 negatives of being part of a circus.



WALT discuss and understand team working

Watch “Working together as part of a team”: Working together as a team (pt 1/2) - KS2 PSHE and Citizenship - BBC Bitesize

List the skills needed to work in a team successfully.

List the skills needed to be a team leader.

EASY:1. Draw a poster to show you working in a team –label your pictures.    OR

CORE: 2. Draw a poster to show you working in a team – write a short sentence about it.    OR

CHALLENGING:3. Draw a poster to show you working in a team – write a paragraph about it. Questions to help: What role did you have? How many people were in the team? What did you have to achieve? Were you successful? What would you have done differently?