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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Venus Class - Year 4

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Welcome to Year 4 - very happy to be teaching this class again!




Gymnastics -  Currently on a Thursday, FULL KITS, including shorts and t-shirt are required. No jewellery allowed. Children wearing earrings will be either removed or taped down.


Homework: Tasks will be sent out on a Friday and need to be returned by Wednesday (latest).  A sheet of maths will be sent home and should also be completed


All children are expected to complete set homework tasks, they do not have to be completed in one night, it can be a progressive work that is completed over a few days.


Reading: Reading Records MUST be brought in DAILY AND SIGNED!

Writing prompts have been stuck at the front of the reading journals. Reading records are checked daily by classroom adults. Children will be sent to a reading detention if they have not completed a daily entry. 


Daily reading is essential to your child's development in all curriculum areas. 

Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.

Reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background.


What difference can YOU make as a parent?

You can make a huge difference! Parents are the most important educators in a child’s life – even more important than their teachers – and it’s never too early or too late to start reading together.


Pearson website.



How To Read With Your Child

Parents MUST help their children become interested in reading if they are to succeed in school. These 5 tips will make reading with your child more effective:

Examples of questions you could ask your child to develop their comprehension skills

Reading in Year 4

Example of reading skills that should be developed in Year 4. This video shows a group of children reading extracts from texts, finding out word meanings using a dictionary, making inference from text and using direct evidence from extract to support their answer.

Trips we've been on this year

Spring 2

World War 1


Image result for world war 1


Literacy Focuses:

Iron Man - Ted Hughes



Science - Animals including humans:

Predators, Prey and Producers.

Image result for producers and consumers prey




RE - Peace

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Summer 1


Literacy Text - Power of Reading Scheme:




Science - States of Matter:


This ‘States of Matter’ unit will teach your child about the differences between solids, liquids and gases, classifying objects and identifying their properties. They will explore in-depth how water changes state, exploring melting, freezing, condensing as well as a particular focus on evaporation. Finally, they will learn about the stages of the water cycle.


RE - Buddhism

Image result for buddhism


This Buddhism unit will your child about key aspects of the Buddhist faith. They will find out where Buddhism originated, about special places linked to Buddhism and about key festivals in Buddhist life. They will also learn about symbols in Buddhism, the Buddhist holy book and the main beliefs held by Buddhists.


Art - Optical Illusions

Image result for optical illusions ks2Image result for optical illusions ks2