Neptune Class Year One
Welcome Neptune 2020
![Still image for this video](
Letter to the new Neptune Class 2020
Topic: Space
Happy final week,
It's another great week to be outside as the weather this week promises to be really lovely.
I can't wait to see you guys on Monday when you pick up your report.
Please remember if you want to contact me, you can email me at neptune
Stay safe,
Mrs McFarlane
Week 6 and 7 - 06 to 13/07/2020
This week we are going to be learning about Fairy Tales.
Let's begin by watching some fairy tale songs and stories.
Here are some activities using the Fairy Tale of the 3 little pigs. These activities should last you for the next 2 weeks. You can cut out the masks and puppets to put on a show for your adults!
A powerpoint to teach you arrays
Some arrays worksheets for you to try!
And here are some 2s 5s and 10x tables practise sheets
This week we are starting a new Science topic: Scientists and Inventors. This pack should last you for the next 2 weeks and I hope that you enjoy it!
This week we are going to:
- write our own fairy tales
- draw some fairy tale characters
- draw a fairy tale house
- tell someone a fairy tale
- complete BigMaths activities
Week 5 - 29.06.2020
This week we will be looking at some more space stories.
Let's start with some Space Yoga Stories Workout.
This week we are going to:
Topic/ Literacy
-watch and take part in the space yoga activity
-listen and tell someone in your family some space story
-discuss with your family the difference between space and earth
-write a list of things that you think you might use in space
-make up your own space story
-draw an astronaut
-draw a space alien
-watch the learning to tell the time video
-make your own clock
-practice showing different o clock/1/2 pass on the clock
-complete clock worksheet
-complete your Big Maths activities online
cloock worksheets
Week 4- 21.06.2020
This week we will be looking at some space stories.
Let's start with a Space song
This week we are going to be learning about fractions.
Watch the videos and then do the worksheets.
This week we are going to:
-listen and learn some more stories about Space
-write 5 facts that you have learnt about each story
-make up your own space story
-make your own space suit
-draw or make your own rocket
-make your own space book
-go on your own adventure and take some photos
-watch videos about Fractions
-do some fractions worksheets
-complete your Bigmaths activities
This week we are going to:
-learn about the sun
-learn about the moon
-complete sun and moon worksheets
-make a sun model
-learn about sun safety
-complete the word search activity
-understand why we need the sun
-learn about adjectives
-complete the adjectives activities
-describe and share facts about the sun and moon
-complete the reading comprehension
-complete the Maths activities
-email some of your fantastic learning to Mrs McFarlane :l
-most importantly - Have a brilliant week with your family and be grateful for all the things that you have.
Maths activities
Neptune's Wow Work
Week 2 - 08.06.2020
This week we will be learning some more facts about Space.
Let's start with some Space songs.
This week we are going to:
-learn some cool facts about the Solar System
-listen to the Space and write down some facts about the Solar System
-watch the Story Bots videos and discuss some facts with your family
-complete some space craft activities
-read some stories about Space
-make a list of things that you would take to Space
-use Space theme words in sentences
-use Space theme positional words
-make a model rocket
-make a split pin astronaut
-complete Space Ship log
-complete one week space diary
-learn about sources of light
-identify light sources
-complete Numeracy activities
More Numeracy activities
Week 1- 01.06.2020
This week we will be learning about :The Solar System
We will start with this Space song.
This week we are going to:
-listen and learn the names of the planets in the Solar System
-talk about the planets in the Solar System
-identify and describe some of the planets
-order the planets
-draw and colour the planets
-research and write some facts about planets
-complete the I spy planet activity
- make up our own planet nemonic
-complete the comprehension activity
-complete the Literacy activities
-Complete the Numeracy activities
Space activities
Remember to do what you can do and have fun.
Have a fantastic week!
Stay at home sports day
Sports Day Activities
Week 5 - 18.05.2020
This week we will be learning about learning about water transport.
Our text is: Modes of Transport for Children.
This week we are going to:
-read your own book and write a simple book review
-listen and learn about the different modes of water transport
-tell someone about the different modes of water transport
-make a list of all the water transport that you can remember
-draw or make a model of a water transport
-do your own research on modes of water transport
-identify and use verbs
-practice our spellings
-practice adding er, ed and ing to words
-practice our Phonics
-complete reading task
-identify what plants need to grow
-carry out a bubble investigation
Numeracy activities
Week 4 - 11.05.2020
Hi Neptune Class,
I hope that you and all your family are well and have been enjoying the weather. I was really happy to talk to you all last week. I also enjoyed seeing your photos and your learning.
Please remember to enjoy yourself at home and think about our school value words when you are at home with your family.
Have a great week and remember to send me some more of your fantastic photos ( ).
Stay safe,
Mrs Mrs McFarlane
This week we are going to:
-read and retell the story 'Please Don't Chat To The Bus Driver'
-rewrite our own story
-identify some diagraphs and trigraphs in the story
-make a list of all the animals in the story
-draw, colour in or make a model of a bus
-complete ordinal numbers activities
-complete bus addition and subtraction activity
-complete the bus maths challenge
-do our own research on London buses
-iedntify some London landmarks
-identify compound words
-complete handwriting tasks
Neptune's Showcase
![Still image for this video](
Please remember to send some photos of your child and their work/activities to
Week 3- 4.5.2020
We are still learning about transportation. This week our focus text is :The Train Ride.
This week we are going to:
-read and role play 'The Train Ride' story
-retell 'The Train Ride' story
-write your own 'Train Ride' story
-identify some more facts about trains
-learn to draw a train
-make a train model
-learn a train song
-do a word search
-investigate and learn about different types of trains
-complete a time capsule
-write a letter to your future self
-do some of the below activities
Here are some more fun activities
Week 2 already !- 27/04/2020
Oh, we love learning about transport!
Well done to everyone who has been doing fantastic learning at home and to those children and parents who has even share some of it. I am proud of you all.
This week we are going to:
-read some books about transport
-identify some more facts about transport
-answer some questions about transport
-learn about present and past transport
-play the transport 'I spy game'
-design a transport
-do some fun activities
Please see the activity links below.
Remember to have fun and email some pictures of your activities.
Summer Term 1
Week 1 - 20/04/2020
Topic: Transportation
Welcome back Neptune Class,
I know that you have had a very exciting Easter break and can't wait to tell your class all about it. Why not write a letter and send it to me by email, I would love to hear about what you have been doing and see some of your pictures too. I can also share it with your friends on our class page too. Remember that the email address is
If you were at school we would be doing a lot of fun activities in Numeracy, Literacy, Art, Science, Topic, RE, and PE. I am happy to say that you can continue doing this at home, as our new and exciting topic, 'Transport' will be very interesting to do at home with you family.
First you can start by trying to write a list of all the different types of transports that you know.
Next you can draw a picture and write about a transport that you have travelled in.
Then you can read some books about different types of transport.
After that you can see if you know any songs about transports, eg The wheels on the bus.
Later you could make your own transport using boxes and other things that you can find around your house.
Have fun, learning about transport!
Welcome to Neptune Class
Your class teacher is Mrs McFarlane
Your teaching assistant is Mrs Moses
Your learning support assisstant is Mrs Action
Happy Easter Holiday !
I hope that you all have a peaceful Easter break with your family and enjoy all your time together having fun in different ways.
Below are some activities that you could do with your families.
* Role play the Easter story with your family.
* Write a Spring or an Easter poem.
* Write a shopping list for making an Easter nest.
Easter Activities 6th-17th April
Dear Neptune Class and family,
I hope that you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Remember to keep healthy and safe by washing your hand as often as you can.
I really do miss you children and hope that you are doing some home learning alongside playing and challenging your parents to complete some tasks with you.I will set you some tasks throughout the week and you all can contact me by using our class email address below:
I would be really excited to hear all about what you have been doing at home and would also love to see some pictures of the fantastic learning that you have done.
Here are some of our fantastic home learning!
Simeona's rainbow Mari's rainbow
Nokiah's fantastic home learning!
Megan's world!
Home Learning for week beginning 30/03/2020
-Write a shopping list for your family.
- Write your own story or fairy tale. Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
-Use your phonics skills to label 10 items around your house.
-Read a book to a grown up and then write your own book review.
-Write about your adventure on the magic school bus.
-Write your numbers from 1 to 100.
-Practice doubling and halving numbers.
-Practice your 10 and 20 number bonds.
-Practice forming all your numbers correctly.
-Idendify a cube, cylinder, cuboid and sphere.
-Identify and draw a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p and 50p coins.
Identify and draw 3 different types of transport.
Make your own model of your favourite transport.
Talk to your grown up about 'People Who Help Us'.
Online resources for support learning at home
Online resources:
- Percy Parker
- Jack Hartman kids
- Alphablocks
- Numberblocks
- Jolly Phonics
- Simply Phonics
- Phase 3 Phonics
- Tricky Words
- BrainPop
- Curiosity Stream
- Outschool
- Udemy
- iReady
- Creative Bug
- Discovery Education
YouTube Channels:
- The Body Coach TV - Joe Wicks live streams PE lessons at 9am on his YouTube channel each day! If you missed it, you can always playback previous sessions saved under P.E. with Joe.
- Science Channel
- SciShow Kids
- National Geographic Kids
- Free School
- Geography Focus
- TheBrainScoop
- SciShow
- Kids Learning Tube
- Geeek Gurl Diaries
- Mike Likes Science
- Science Max
- SoulPancake
Pretend to travel the world! Go on a virtual tour of these 12 famous museums:
Science / Nature/ technologyMaddie from Do You Know? is doing daily lives on all things science and tech.
Children's storiesFree audiobooks- listen to fabulous stories
Stories with David WalliamsAt 11am each day
Art HubFor easy drawing tutorials, this is the place to be - just add a pen and paper!
Neptune class has had a fantastic Spring Term so far. We have enjoyed the changes in the weather and our trip to the Natural History Museum where we learnt all about reptiles, amphibians,birds, mammals and other animals.
For our Topic work we are focussing on 'Our Wonderful World' and finding out about the climate in different places, continents, countries, our local area and other amazing things in our world. We hope to plant some seeds at the end of term and ask that you try and do this at home with your children if you get the opportunity.
Home Learning for week beginning 23/03/2020
Here are some activities you could do with your child to help with their knowledge of the world and their wellbeing:
Make a 'Wonderful world' collage using materials, objects from the countryside or garden, drawings and cut out pictures.
Ask your child to write a poem or list of all the things that are wonderful about this world and publish this on your social media page or frame it.
Get your child to draw a picture of the things that make them happy and keep this by their bed to remind them of what a lovely world they live in.
Show your child where they live on google earth and let them explore the world for themselves on this wonderful website.
Encourage your child to watch David Attenboroughs' Blue planet or other real life nature programmes on TV or YouTube.
Help your child to build a bug hotel or hedgehog home to keep the animals safe and warm.
Make some healthy snacks like fruit kebabs, vegetable kebabs, fruit salad, stews or stir frys with your child.
Use leaves to make the digits of numbers up to 10 and stick these up.
Talk to your child about your own childhood and things that went well or wrong and how you and your family dealt with them.
Show your child that when you cut up apples or oranges or pizza it can be shown as fractions such as halves and quarters.
Encourage your child to read the time at least to the nearest hour.
If you have access to a garden encourage your child to make a 'happy space' for them to go and sit and relax.
Encourage your child to do fun yoga and meditation to help them keep balanced and calm.
Activities relating to other school subjects:
Number Detectives
Learn about number bonds and try to remember them.
Can you tell 3 and what makes 10?
4+_= 10
Continue doing these kinds of questions as often as possible. If your child has difficulties use counters or objects to show them how to make the number bonds.
See the websites below for further information.
number bondsnumber bond activity
Number bondsNumber bond video
Please continue to help your children with their phonics work as this is so important for their continued learning and future achievements.
Phonics Activities
Write 3 words with each of these sounds
ck, ai, air, ar, ch, ear, ee, er, igh, ng, oa, oi, oo, or, ow, qu, sh, th, ur, ure, v, w, x, y, z
Now use your words to make sentences.
Please make use of your Bug Club access.
We sometimes use phonics play (see link below) and this website has access to Lesson Plans if you log in as a Teacher.
At this time they are offering a free service for parents aiming to help their children continuing their learning at home.
Also Teach Your Monster to Read. You can use this for free on your laptop or pc. There is currently a charge for the app on mobile phones.
Phonics PlayPhonics websites with games and lesson plans
Teach Your Monster to ReadFun game where children teach a Monster to read whilst learning themselves.
Phonics gamesPhonics activities
Practice reading and spelling these tricky words.
you, are, they, was, come, said, have, come, little, were, there, what when, out, people, their, called, Mr, some, looked, asked, could
Now use some of these words in sentences.
Learn It Champions
Learn your doubles
Challenge yourself to remember all your doubles from 1 to 12.
Draw and find out the names of 3 different flowers (variety of common wild and garden plants).
Then find out some facts about them to share with your friends at school.
Story writing
Write your own story. You can use some parts of other stories to help you. Draw pictures for your story.
Write about some of the things that you did with your family at home. Take some pictures to show your friends.
Time tables Challenge
Learn your 2 and 5 times tables with Percy Parker!
See if you can write out your 2 and 5 times tables like this.
Geography- What a wonderful world!
Make a model or a draw a globe and identify the seven continents.
Then identify Canada, Brazil, China, Nigeria, Jamaica, Spain, UK, France and India.
Art and Craft
Draw or paint a picture of your family and friends.
Make a picture or model of your choice.
Here are some activities that you can print out to do with your child while they are at home:
- Year 1 Spring Maths Activity Booklet Answers.pdf
- Year 1 Spring Maths Activity Booklet.pdf
- 2D Shape Chick Cutting Skills Worksheets.pdf
- Common Exception Words Year 1 Activity Book.pdf
- Creative Writing Prompt Question Writing Frames.pdf
- Fiction Reading Revision Mat.pdf
- Non-Fiction Reading Revision Mat .pdf
- Poetry Reading Revision Mat .pdf
- Snakes and Ladders Addition to 20 Board Game Board Game.pdf
- Year 1 One More and One Less Maths Mastery Game.pdf
- Year 1 Science Learning from Home (Animals, Including Humans) Activity Booklet.pdf
General Home Learning during school opening times:
In Year 1 children will be expected to read daily and write or draw about what they have read in their reading journal. Ideally your child’s input should be alongside comments from you at this stage of their learning.