Rockets Nursery Class
Welcome to Nursery Rockets
Class Teacher: Ms Parsons
Support Staff: Ms Toni, Ms Sarah, Mrs Sweeney
Morning session: 8.45 - 11.45
Afternoon Session: 12.30-3.15
swimming trunks/ costume, towel, swimming cap
Please wear black leggings/ joggers/ white polo/ jumper/ socks and shoes.
NO TIGHTS under leggings or LACES
Everyday you child needs to bring in their school bag / reading wallet and a water bottle.
Autumn 1 we will be focussing on
- Children separate from primary caregiver.
- Children have their own interests and can express their feelings.
- Children are interested in other’s play.
- Children begin to learn the class routines and expectations.
- Children manage their personal hygiene, with support.
- Children learn new words and use language for needs, wants, experiences etc.
- Children begin to talk about themselves and their families.
- Children self- register with names and pictures of themselves.
Week commencing 2.9.24 and 9.9.24
We have enjoyed getting to know our friends, adults and the learning environment. Check out some of our exploring below.
We have been having so much fun!
Week 3 & Week 4
Week commencing 16.09.24 & 23.09.24
We have been looking at the book 'Owl Babies' this week and children have been learning to join in with the story
Why not watch the clip below together with your child and see if they can join in when Bill says
"I want my mummy"
We have been creating art work; exploring minibeasts and retelling the story.
Week 5 & Week 6
Week commencing 30.10.24 and 7.10.24
We have been looking at the book 'The Great Big Book of Families' this week and children have been talking about the people in our families and the homes we live in.
Why not watch the clip below together with your child and see if they can spot any family similarities.
We have been making self portraits; building houses and identifying our favourite foods.
Week 7 & Week 8
Week commencing 14.10.24 and 21.10.24
We have been looking at the book 'So Much' this week and children have been joining in with the story .
Why not watch the clip below together with your child and see if they can join in when it says 'DING DONG'.
See if they can read it with expression.
We have also been talking about parties - What would you bring to a party? What type of cake do you like? Which games can you play? What would you wear?