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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Mercury Class

Teacher: Mrs Coote


Supporting Adult: Miss Gibbs


Topic this Term: Anglo-Saxons and Vikings


This term most of our learning will focus on developing the children’s Geographical and Historical Skills. We will name and locate some of the countries and cities of the world and their human and physical characteristics.  They will describe how physical and human features have changed over time. In addition, the children will understand how countries and geographical regions across the world are interconnected and interdependent.   Additionally, the children will begin to learn that no single source of evidence gives the full answer to questions about the past.  They will also learn to use different sources of evidence to deduce information about the past. By the end of the term, the children should be able to dates and terms accurately in describing events and create timelines.



Planned Trips/Workshops:

  • British Museum (Anglo Saxons and Vikings)
  • Science Museum (Forces)
  • Kidzania
  • Viking Day – 2.4.19




Books: Way Home by Libby Hathorn

              The Princess’ Blanket by Carol Ann Duffy

Our focus in Literacy this term will be:

  • Poetic Style: use of figurative language including similes, metaphors and personification.
  • Adventure Fiction: children investigate the work of various well known authors and use their knowledge of characters to write in role.
  • Newspaper reports – identify features, explore tone of formal language and create a report new paper reports based on the events that happened in stories
  • Historical Narrative – (linked to History and Geography) – engage with time period in history lessons, use of atmosphere, dialogue and action to retell a narrative from an alternative characters point of view.


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

There is a continued focus on grammar, punctuation and spelling in Year 5, preparing the children for SATs in year 6. Children will have weekly spellings to learn, as well as daily sessions in GPS to support the children with their learning. Children will develop and consolidate their use of multi-clause sentences, develop their use of parenthesis and a wide range of sentence starters (-ed,-ing, fronted adverbials, action openers).



We are continuing to use the Big Maths program which the children have loved, including daily CLIC sessions.

Big Maths is an interactive framework which allows the children to engage with activities at school, and at home. We will be supporting the learning of mental Maths skills, particularly times tables and using the inverse (add and subtract / multiply and divide). Please support your child with practising their times tables at home for their weekly tests. Sheets with all the times table are available from school, please ask your child’s teacher.

The children will be taught in three groups to ensure accelerated progress can be made.

Through out the term the children will secure their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages. They will also develop their familiarity with converting of measures.




Part of this term’s learning will include developing the children's understanding of the range of forces that act upon objects. They will have the opportunity to undertake experiments to observe gravity, air resistance, water resistance, friction as well as explore how levers and pulleys work.


Religious Education

In RE, we will be learning more about Jesus’ life. The children will develop a deeper understanding of his baptism, the temptations he faced, the miracles he performed, his crucifixion and his resurrection.



The Arts

Drama will be integrated into our English and topic work. 


Art and D.T 

The children will be learning to:

  • Show life like qualities in 3D work
  • Create a colour palette
  • Collect information and present in a sketch book
  • Explore light and shadow through the use of charcoal and chalk
  • Create objects that require seams ie a cushion
  • Decorate textiles with appropriate stitching.


The children will study the work of some influential musicians and explain how they have influenced societies.


Physical Development and Well Being


We will be learning about Identity. The themes of this unit are self-awareness and awareness of others. An acceptance of self is important for maintaining a realistic sense of self-esteem, whist being aware of and accepting differences in people reinforces our own uniqueness. 


Basketball and Athletics.

P.E. day: Monday

Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school on this day – children MUST have suitable footwear for outdoor PE.

P.E. Kit: White T-shirt, Black Shorts, plimsoles/trainers. A tracksuit can be worn in colder weather. 

Please ensure all kit is labelled with your child’s name.

We recommend that you bring your P.E kit in on a Monday and take it home on a Friday so that it is always in school.


Home Learning:

In Year 5 children will be expected to read daily and write about what they have read in their reading journal at least half a page. They will also receive weekly spellings, grammar, Learn It’s and times tables; these will be handed out on a Friday, and the spellings will tested on a Friday also.

Half-termly, children will also be given a project to complete based on our topic.

CONSEQUENCES - If the weekly homework is not completed the children will attend Homework Club on Friday lunchtime for half an hour.


All children are expected to complete their homework and hand it in on time; please see the myself or Miss Gibbs if you have any questions or queries.

Homework – Issued on Friday

Due -  Wednesday the following week

School uniform:

All children are expected to wear School uniform everyday.

School Hours:

Please note the hours of the school day and help us to make a prompt start/finish.

Gates open: 8:40am 

School starts: 8:50am

School finishes: 3:25pm Mon – Thurs

                             2:30pm Friday