Friday 22.01.21
Happy Friday, Year 6! Well done for showing resilience and responsibility with your home learning this week. We are all very proud of you :)
Remember to login in to these four amazing learning websites today and complete as many fun activities as you can! Have fun :)

Arithmetic - Year 3 and Year 6
Reasoning - Year 3 and Year 6
Comprehension - Year 3 and Year 6
Art - This task can be completed on paper or electronically. Read the documents - Fact File 1 and fact File 2 about Andy Goldsworthy. Decide what information are you going to include in your Double Page Spread. Remember to include these features in your Double Page Spread: a title, subheadings, sentences starters, various punctuation (full stops, commas, question marks, exclamation marks, colons, semicolons, bullet points, ellipsis, etc), diagrams, pictures, interesting facts, etc. Remember to have a look at these two good examples of Double Page Spread before you start your work.
Double Page Spread Examples