Mercury Class
Welcome to Mercury Class!
Teacher: Mrs Atkinson-Coote
Teaching Assistant: Miss George
Year 5 Curriculum Information - Autumn 2016
We hope you are enjoying your first term back at school and are looking forward to the year ahead! Athelney’s Year 5 team would like to take this opportunity to introduce and share with you some of the exciting things we will be researching and learning about during this Autumn term.
The topic area for the children to consider is ‘Time Travel’ with particular emphasis on early Anglo Saxon settlers and the Viking Invaders. Cross curricular links will be made throughout our lessons where possible.
Based on Pie Corbett’s ‘talk for writing’ we will be looking at a range of different structures and styles of writing, finding out what makes them successful and recreating our own pieces. We will be looking at persuasive writing and recreating our own letter to help persuade someone of our point of view. In addition, we will be writing Non-Chronological Reports, Poems, Recounts in the form of Diary Entries and Stories with a Dilemma. As well as this, we will be supplementing our existing knowledge with more language and tools that we might use in our writing as year 5s. As the term progresses, we will also look to inform ourselves of grammatical tools such as parenthesis and relative clauses as well as the use of higher level punctuation, such as how to use colons and semi- colons effectively in our writing. Furthermore, we will be practising our cursive writing every day.Mathematics
Our focus for this term will be on securing our basic skills in number function with some emphasis on mathematical investigation. During this term the children will be looking to improve their knowledge and understanding of reading, writing and ordering numbers up 1,000,000; solving problems using all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), comparing fractions; telling time on an analogue and 24 hours clocks. Some time spent on geometry with particular emphasis on angles. All children must learn their times tables up to 12 times table. It is important for the children to consistently practice their times tables at home, as these will be especially useful when they need to solve problems mentally.
During this term the children will be looking at the Earth and Space and the development of a human being from birth until old age. There will be some investigative work where the children can investigate their own hypotheses and prove or disprove their own thoughts using scientific processes. As well as this, the children will be learning more about the factors that lead to a healthy and long lifestyle while considering the contrary.
Topic (History)
This term the children will be studying the changes in Britain through the eras. Starting with the Anglo-Saxons the children will be learning more about the lifestyles of people during this time and pondering how these communities have contributed to our modern day lifestyles. To follow on from this, the children will be furthering their knowledge on the Viking invaders and comparing them to the Anglo-Saxons.
This term we will be learning about bullying, keeping healthy and safe while embedding the King Alfred Federation values (Responsibility, Resilience, Respect, Cooperation, Confidence and Collaboration).
The children will also be exploring strategies to develop and reinforce a Growth Mindset.
During this term the children will be learning to create websites and how to be safe while using the internet. These lessons will be primarily be delivered by our computer specialist Mr Black.
The children will be looking at Ramadan, Eid ul Fitr, Hajj, Eid ul Adha and what they mean to Muslims.
Physical Education will see the children learning about Dance, Invasion Games with emphasis on basketball along with the basic skills which would make one successful during a competitive game. These lessons will be mainly delivered by our sports specialist Mr Plummer.
Kindly ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing in school to take part. PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt and plain black shorts, joggers or close fitting leggings) as well as plimsolls or trainers.
PE Days - Mondays and Wednesdays
During this term the children will be looking at London Cityscapes and the different styles and genres produced by different artists such as Charles Fazzino. We will also learn how to use dyes to create background and refine our skills of embroidery.
This term the children will continue to learn how to play the ukulele. At the end of the term the children will share what they have learnt. Look out for the date of their performance.
Home learning
Homework will be set every Friday and must be returned on Wednesday of the following week. If you have access to your Active Learn account and your Mathletics account from home this will help with your reading, spelling and maths. The children will be sent home with a list of spelling every week to practice. The children will undergo a spellings test every Friday.
Dates for the calendar
Christmas Fair 7th December 2016
Christmas Disco 16th December 2016