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- Year 5 Learning
- Wk. beginning 8.2.2021
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Maths Least Challenging Order Fractions
Maths Least Challenging
Maths More Challenging Halves and Quarters
Maths More Challenging
Maths Most Challenging Multiply Non Unit Fraction by an Integer
Maths Most Challenging Multiply Mixed numbers by Integers
- Challenging R2e Word reading and decoding Test 1.docx
- Challenging R2e Word reading and decoding Test 1.docx.pdf
- Core R2b Can use a range of strategies to decode unfamiliar words Test 1 Answers.docx
- Core R2b Can use a range of strategies to decode unfamiliar words Test 1.docx
- Core R2b Can use a range of strategies to decode unfamiliar words Test 1.pdf
- Easy R2b Can recognise, read and identify the full range of vowel graphemes Test 1 Answers.docx
- Easy R2b Can recognise, read and identify the full range of vowel graphemes Test 1.docx
- Easy R2b Can recognise, read and identify the full range of vowel graphemes Test 1.docx.pdf