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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Thursday 28.01.21

Good morning, Year 6! Happy Thursday :)

Maths Starter - Year 3 and Year 6

Task 1 Maths Worksheet

Task 2 Maths Worksheet

Extension Maths Worksheet

PSHE - WALT: understand ways to look after our mental and physical wellbeing. Take a look at the Mental and physical wellbeing slides. Play the Good Nights Sleep game and create a bedtime routine checklist.

Daily Story - Quackenstein Hatches a Family read by Kristen Bell

Quackenstein Hatches a Family is written by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen, illustrated by Brian T. Jones and read by Kristen Bell.Crack open this tale of family an...