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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Uranus Class

Welcome to Uranus Class


Teacher: Mrs McNally

TA: Miss George



PE Please ensure that your child brings their PE kit on a Monday and takes it home on a Friday as the day of PE may vary.

Kit should consist of the following:

                              Plain white T-shirt

                              Plain black shorts/joggers

                              Black plimsols


Swimming: To be advised.


Homework will be sent home every Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday so that it can be marked and re-issued.

Homework consists of: Mental maths, maths relating to the learning taken place that week, comprehension and grammar.


Spellings will be sent home every Monday. Please support your child  with learning their spellings so they are prepared for a spelling test every Friday


Reading at home will help to develop your child's reading ability. You should listen to or read with your child daily for at least 15 minutes. There is plenty of research that indicates that the one to one time dedicated to reading helps to develop and improve both verbal and reasoning skills. 

Autumn 1


This term we will be learning about the following:



  • Stories relating to Space:  The man on the moon    

                                                Send for a Super Hero




  • Learning written / practical methods relating to the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
  • Fractions of shapes and numbers
  • Data handling
  • Time



 Children will learn about the Solar System.



All about Right and Wrong


3 Times Tables - Learn The Fun Way!

Use this video to help your child to count in 3s.

4 Times Tables - Learn The Fun Way!

Learn to count in 4s!

Explanation of how to use the Look, Say, Cover Write, Check method to learn spellings