Jupiter Class Year Three
Hi Jupiter Class,
My name is Miss McMahon and I am going to be your new teacher in year 3. Year 3 is a really important year, as it is the beginning of KS2, so you will now be the youngest of the ‘big children’ in the school.
I am really excited to be teaching in year 3 because we will get to do a lot of fun stuff. I love this year group because of all the learning, exploring and fun that we get to have. I cannot wait to help you all become an adventurous learner, a better reader, a super scientist and a marvelous mathematician. I am very excited about the upcoming year as we have planned some very exciting lessons for you.
In Literacy, we will: read poems, role play adventures, practise our handwriting, learn new spelling patterns, learn new grammar and do a lot of creative writing.
In Numeracy, we will be practising the 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s times tables and learn the 4s and 8s by the end of the year. Later, we will learn about Roman numerals, more about three digit numbers, problem solve and deepen our fractions knowledge.
In Science we will be doing lots of investigations to help us learn about the human skeleton, parts of a plant and their function, how light reflects and how shadows change, different types of rocks and how they are formed and about forces and magnets.
In Topic, we will travel back in time to discover ancient civilisations, the changes in Britain through the Stone and Iron Ages, go on a wonderful journey around the UK and learn more about some of the different faiths of the world. We will also show our artistic flare through our drawings, paintings, sculpting, printing, molding, stitching and sketching.
In Jupiter class, we have many resources that can help you continue to be an eager and independent learner. This includes a spacious book corner, an art trolley full of crayons, paint, felt tips and chalk for creative work. We also have some learning games and exciting resources that you can share with your friends at choosing time.
Great work never goes unnoticed in Jupiter class! Each week I will be nominate a child who demonstrates our Athelney values for the prestigious ‘Athelney Award’. We will also celebrate daily within the classroom by sharing our wonderful ideas, achievements and work.
Keep checking our class page on the Athelney website for activity ideas to keep you entertained over the summer holidays, as well as a VIDEO TOUR OF YOUR NEW CLASSROOM!
I cannot wait to see you all in September - have a great summer!
Miss McMahon
Jupiter welcome video 2020