Apollo Class
Welcome to Apollo Class 2016/2017.
Class Teachers: Miss Arnold and Mrs Hall
Support Staff: Ms Gibbs and Mr Russell
This year, your children will be busy learning all they need to know to prepare them for their SATs and later life. Although this can be a testing time for us all, the year is also full of fun experiences!
This term we will be looking at World War II. The children have already visited Chislehurst Caves and have many more fun activities planned.
Chislehurst Caves
As parents and careers, we ask that you continue to support your children in their learning at home.
Homework: Children will receive homework weekly. This will go out on a Friday and is expected to be back no later than the following Wednesday. Homework is based on what the children have been learning and is a great way for them to consolidate!
Spellings: Children will also get weekly spellings. This will go out along with the homework. Children will be tested on this the following Friday. It is really important that children learn their spellings as this is also a crucial part of the SATs. There is a link to the spellings below.
Times Tables: It is expected in Year Six that children are secure in their times table knowledge. They can be fun to learn and children often feel confident in Numeracy once they have secured knowledge of the times tables. Please find the links to times table games below.
P.E: Apollo’s P.E day is Thursday. Children are required to wear a black bottoms, a white top and trainers.
Useful Links!