Year Six Head's Team and Pupil Parliament
Head Team
The Head Team (Jack, Noah, Eliz, Seyi, Jennifer, Tyanna, Alfie, Ethan, Aicha and Filip) are voted for by all children and staff based on each candidates speech. The Head Team meet regularly with Mrs Dummer and have mentoring roles in each year group/class. They are often seen showing visitors around the school, assisting with school assemblies and helping out in the playground. They work alongside the Ministers of Fundraising to support current charities/ nominated causes that our Athelney community may be supporting.
Pupil Parliament
Our vision is to represent diversity, inclusion and equality. We do this by: running events, hosting assemblies, working with local communities and liaising with subject leads in an effort to diversify the wider Athelney community. The Pupil Parliament meet regularly to discuss current issues and suggest improvements they would like to make.
Pupil Parliament Roles
Primary Minister:
Seun (Y6) Their roles are to meet with Mrs Dummer to address the needs of Pupil Parliament as well as having the final say on the decisions made by Pupil Parliament.
Ministers of Diversity:
Poppy and De'Shawn (Y4,5&6) Their roles are to focus on celebrating diversity within the school which can include diversity days/raising awareness of up-coming cultural days. They will also work with subject leads to voice any representation needs within the curriculum.
Ministers of Fundraising:
Kaylon, Moyosola (Y5&6) Their roles are to work with the Head Team to raise funds for all things related to Pupil Parliament.
Ministers of Play:
Elias, Jonathan, Perez and Victoria (Y5&6) Their roles are to improve play and lunchtime by focusing on ways they can make the playground an exciting experience for all children.