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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Covid 19-catch up premium

In order to support the pupils in our school close educational gaps caused by the covid -19 lockdowns the government are providing schools with additional funding. How we intend on spending our money is outlined below.


  • Allocating and providing additional adult support to key year groups where learning gaps have been identified as being wider in phonics/reading/writing/social and emotional care.
  • Further resources for the classrooms e.g books for book corners/maths resources e.t.c...
  • CPD for teaching staff focusing on writing/social and emotional developments.
  • CPD for support staff- interventions.
  • Additional drama therapy.
  • Increase participation in sports by recruiting a numerous amount of sports coaches.
  • Restarting after school clubs and school journeys (yrs 4 and 6) Subsidising parent/carer costs.

Members of SLT will be monitoring and meeting year groups half termly to assess attainment and progress.


An expenditure plan to follow in academic yr 2021-22