Sun Class Year Five
Welcome to Year 5!
Our class email is
Key Information:
PE - During the Autumn Term, IT WILL BE ON THURSDAYS with coach Malachi. Children must arrive to school wearing their FULL KITS: plain black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt. No jewellery, including watches, to be worn for health and safety reasons.
Home Learning:
In Year 5, your child is expected to read every day at home. If possible, read to an adult and talk about what has been read. Once they have finished a book, they would need to complete an entry in their personal reading album.
Weekly home learning set on Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling shed. These will be checked online every Friday and children will complete their spelling and fluency tests.
We will be teaching Spanish, PSHE and Computing weekly. The other subjects will be taught as a block. Please see timetable below.
Autumn 1 Term:
Autumn 1 (Weekly Spanish, PSHE and Computing)
| Week commencing 09.09.24 | Week commencing 16.09.24 | Week commencing 23.09.24 | Week commencing 30.09.24 | Week commencing 07.10.24 | Week commencing 14.10.24 | Week commencing 21.10.24 |
Curriculum | RE Islam 3: Ramadan and Id ul Fitr | Science Living things and their habitats – life cycle of a mammal etc | Science Living things and their habitats – life cycle of a mammal etc | Science Living things and their habitats – life cycle of a mammal etc | Music Recorders | History Black History | Art Self Portraits |
If you have any queries, please fill in the online form on this page.
Thank you,
Ms Tejero