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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Resource Base

WELCOME TO THE WEBPAGE for the Resource Base

Countdown to Summer!

Dear Parents and Carers,


The countdown to the Summer Holidays has officially begun… In fact it officially began on Tuesday 2nd July!  We captured this in our ‘Countdown to Summer’ display in the Resource Base: 


We created the display for three reasons; (a) Summer 2 is always a busy term with many trips, events and activities planned – the schedule provides some coherence (b) It is a long half term and children can begin to become emotionally drained – the display helps to keep the end in sight and tangible (c) To signpost fun activities that the children can look forward to in order to help them over the finish line with a flourish!


In the Resource Base the children have already enjoyed a visit from the Horniman, the Year 6 Production, cooking to round off our topic of China and a fun quiz.  Over the next couple of weeks they will enjoy a trip to a bookshop, a picnic in the park, a taste testing session, Culture Day, Ice Lolly afternoon and some enjoyable RB assemblies.


We are really looking forward to a fun day out at the bookshop and a picnic in the park on Thursday 18th July – we will be in touch for permissions via email SMS.  You will need to provide a packed lunch for your child on the day.


End of Term celebration assembly:  We will be holding a Resource Base celebration assembly on the last day of term – Thurs 25/07/24 – and we’d like to invite you to join us for this event (time TBC ASAP).  There are always a thousand (at least) ‘Well dones’ to be said and some ‘Goodbyes’ to say as well.  This year we will be saying good bye to 10 young people who have all been involved in the RB story over the years; please do come along to join the celebration and wish them well.


Transition:  Leadership are currently finalising class lists and teacher allocation for next academic year.  You child will meet with their new mainstream teacher on Monday 22nd July 2024.  As a staff we have a number of systems in place to support transition and handover, one of which will be to meet collectively to share key information.


Parent voice:  Your voice is the most important one when it comes to your child and is of immense value to us and the shape of our provision.  To this end, I will soon be sending out a Google Form to capture this.  I would be hugely grateful if you would take the time to complete it – it won’t take more than 10 minutes!


Next academic year:  Over the past month we have been working closely as a team to review this academic year and prepare for the next.  I will share this vision and the key themes with you when complete and publish this on the website.  The interventions that we deliver are visible here:


Thank you for your continued support.  Questions, queries, concerns, celebrations - please do get in touch the door is ALWAYS open!


The Resource Base Team J

Parents and carers:  Welcome to the Resource Base


The Resource Base is a space within the school that has additional resources tailored to support children with an Autism diagnosis.  The team use their expertise to create an environment that enables pupils to be ready to learn and deliver a curriculum that is personalised to meet the children's needs.


Please click on the items below to find out more about our approach, the pupils experience of school and different ways that you can support your child with their learning and well-being at home.


Have questions?  Want to find out more?  Please use the Contact Form at the bottom of this page.


Mr Mace (Resource Base Lead Teacher)

Miss Martin (Resource Base Class Teacher)

Swimming - Friday: Please send your child to school with a swim kit; costume, towel & swim hat.


PE  - please check your child's personalised timetable to find out when their PE sessions are.



Pupils: Make sure you take time to check out your class website page by clicking the link below.

Last term Team RB enjoyed a special showing of the Gingerbread Man, delivered by Peoplescape Theatre!

If you have any questions please do contact us.