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Athelney Primary School home page Athelney Primary School home page

Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

New Nursery Parents

Welcome to Rockets Nursery!

Pre-school education for 3 and 4 year olds.

We would like to wish a very warm welcome to all of our new families to Rockets Nursery. This page is just for you and we hope that you will find it useful and interesting to look at. You can see the adults that your child will be working with, have a virtual tour around the inside and outside space of the Nursery and look through some information that we think you will find useful for before your child starts with us. 


Rockets Nursery - Welcome Video

Still image for this video

Photos of our Nursery!

Rockets Nursery Parent Info

Rockets Nursery Aims & Ethos

Parent Guide to starting nursery - Twinkl

School Uniform


School uniform is not  compulsory  in the nursery, but if you would like to, school jumpers can be ordered from the link below.  We recommend that children wear jogging bottoms or leggings, a t-shirt, jumper and trainers so that they are comfortable during the day.  Please make sure all clothing is named.  In the colder months, children will also need a warm coat as we spend lots of our day outside! 



School jumpers are available from

As your child will soon be starting school it is important to get them into a good routine for bedtime and sleeping. Click on the link to the document below for some points of advice to consider so that your child gets a good night sleep and wakes up in the morning ready to learn when they come to Nursery.



Sleep Routine Guide


Please do keep coming back and checking this web page for further information, helpful tips and a holiday project that we think will be exciting for your child!