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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Mercury Class

Welcome to Mercury Class!


Mercury class is taught by Miss Edwards and supported by Ms Marden, Mr Russell and Mr McCarthy


Spring 2:


PE takes place on a Monday and Tuesday  full kits are required.


Homework is set on a Friday and is due back on the following Wednesday (unless stated otherwise). 


We are making fantastic progress with our reading, which is reflecting in our writing. Year 5 are expected to read for 15 minutes (minimum) every night and write an entry in their reading journals.


This week, it was all about eyes! We had an unusual interactive lesson looking at eyes and trying to decipher who/ what it belongs to. This lesson was taught as an introduction to our new unit, Greek mythology. Mercury class love: blood, guts and gore!

We are proud of our writing in Mercury class. Below are our writers of the week. The have put tremendous effort into their writing; and I am super proud! Keep up the excellent work. 

We went on a trip to Deptford Creekside Centre; to learn more about this terms River Topic. We all had a great time and learnt lots about our local area. The children got to pond dip and learnt about some of the pond's fascinating wildlife. 

It’s all about the conjunctions!  This year we have been focusing on improving our writing by using conjunctions. Miss Marden designed this amazing tube map; colour coding different lines (to illustrate the different ways in which conjunctions can be used). 


During the Christmas holidays, Mercury class were asked to design their favourite dinner.  Here are some examples of their fantastic work!