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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Pluto Class

Welcome to Pluto Class!


Teacher: Miss Ben

Teaching Assistant: Miss Croft

PE is currently on a Wednesday afternoon and all children are required to bring their full kit including appropriate footwear.


Swimming is currently every other Tuesday afternoon, children are required to bring a swimming costume/trunks, a swimming hat and a towel.


Please label ALL children’s clothing.


School Book bags  are to be brought in every day. It is important that children  are expected to have a school bookbag and to bring it to school every day.



Homework is sent home every Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday. It is important that you encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible.


Reading at home is essential to your child's learning development. You should listen to or read with your child daily for at least 15 minutes.





Foster the love of Reading!



Each day the children will learn a new letter and sound during phonics. You can help your child at home by asking them which letter they have learnt today and practice saying it and writing it with them. 


Jolly Phonics Phase Three

Jolly Phonics is a program designed to help children learn the name and sounds of letters. Before children can read or start to read they need to have some understandaning of letter sounds and this is a fun way of learning them.


Pluto class have enjoyed writing instructions, they have been able to write and follow instructions to make a jam sandwich using bossy verbs!


The Big Numbers Song

It's a catchy numbers song for children to practise counting from 0 to 100 and from a hundred to a trillion.

Counting By Twos

Pluto class absolutely love singing and dancing to this song and it has really helped them to count in 2's.

Number Bonds 

Pluto class have been learning number bonds to 10/20. They have had fun decorating biscuits in the form of number bonds to 10 and have also been able to use Numicon to support their understanding.

Positional Language

Height, Weight and Length

Pluto class have been learning about positional language and have enjoyed programming the bee bots with directions.



Pluto class have learnt about the five senses. We were fortunate enough to use our senses to describe two of Mrs Howells guinea pigs.

We have been exploring a range of fruit and vegetables using our senses as well as going on a senses walk around the school.


Pluto class have enjoyed investigating materials. They have been able to discuss the properties of various materials and sort them according to different criteria.


Pluto class have been learning about The Creation Story according to Christians. We have created some lovely decorations and poems to promote looking after the beautiful Earth.