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Athelney Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Science Week 2017

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week it is Sports and Science Week in the King Alfred Federation! Waaahooo!


This is a week in which your child will be immersed in lots of exciting sport and science activities designed to create lasting memories and foster a love of the subject and a renewed interest in the world around them.


This year the theme is ‘Changes’: Change can be found in every area of science and sport, from chemical reactions, lifecycles and forces to heart beat, acceleration and muscles.


There will be lots of awe inspiring, fun events taking place over the course of the week and there’s lots of opportunities for parents to get involved too! Make sure that you work with your child to create 'something new from something old' for our Home Competition.


On Tuesday we have a special guest in the form of scientist - Dan Plane - he will be doing science shows for every class in the school AND a special community show at 3:45 on Tuesday for all the family!  Totally free - please just turn up at Athelney's main hall straight after school!


Click the link below to see photos of the action!