Jupiter Class
Welcome to Jupiter Class!
We have lots of exciting learning coming up this term so switch on your LEARNING BRAIN and COME ON IN!
Our TOPIC for this term is 'The Rainforest'
We will be learning the names of some countries which contain tropical rainforests and what the climate in the tropics is like; what it might be like for the animals and humans that live in a rainforest climate. We will learn about some of the animals that live in the Rainforest, and explain how they are suited to their environment. We will identify different endangered animals and propose how they could be helped and identify some of the things in the world which can contribute to global warming. We will also suggest ways in which we can protect our environment.
LITERACY: We will be studying stories which are set in different countries and environments and have an environmental message or theme.
NUMERACY: The focus this half term will be on different written methods of multiplying and dividing.
PE: This term we will continue to swim on Mondays, travelling by coach to Glassmill Leisure Centre. Children will need to bring swimming costume, towel and swimming hat.
Outdoor PE will be on Fridays with Mr Plummer, for this children will need jogging bottoms, a warm top and trainers.
Homework: This will continue to be set on Purple Mash. Please encourage your child to complete and submit their homework.
As usual, it will be set each Friday and can be found in their 'To Do' folder.
Homework should be completed and saved by the following Wednesday. The work is automatically submitted when it is saved and goes straight into a file for me to mark. It is then returned to their completed work file
Remember: If you have time you can access your Active Learn account and your Mathletics account from home.
This will help you with reading, spelling, grammar and maths and will keep your brain active.